Ah just a quick note from an Australian: :)

On Tue, Sep 21, 1999 at 12:51:29PM -0400, Gary Gallon wrote:

> Australia, like Canada, is rich with coal, oil and gas. It is hard to 
> deal with the strong lobbies established by the fossil fuel industries 
> when it comes to meeting the Kyoto Protocol for greenhouse gas 
> (GHG) reduction. So, instead, the Government of Australia has 
> begun to fund finance GHG reductions and sequestering outside 

 Blah! Please don't believe any press releases from the Australian
government. They are of course in bed with the fossil fuel industry and
every other environmentally damaging industry. They have copped a lot
of flack about not meeting the greenhouse targets and this is just
propaganda to try to save face.... not that they have any face left
after giving the go-ahead to a bunch of new Uranium mines... AND
somehow corrupting the farcical UNESCO to do a total turnaround and not
declare Kakadu National Park (a World Heritage listed area for natural
and cultural values, now with two Uranium mines smack in the middle of
it) officially "in danger"... but I digress :)

> said Senator Minchin, equivalent to the emissions produced by 300,000 

 Big deal... they could have just planted a few of square kilometers
of trees... oops but I forgot, they're too busy chopping down the last
remaining stands of cool-temperate rainforest in the world...


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