
x-posted from H-ASEH.  Sorry for any duplicates.

Stefanie Rixecker
ECOFEM Coordinator

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From: Steve Holmes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Environmental life-writing discussion list
Date: Wednesday, October 27, 1999 7:37 AM

[I posted this notice over the summer, but since a number of folks probably
had their mail turned off then and are back on now, I thought it might be
helpful to post it again - Cheers, Steve Holmes]

Dear colleagues,

Greetings! I want to invite any interested persons to join a new
interdisciplinary e-mail discussion group on an emerging
scholarly field, environmental life-writing - i.e., biography,
autobiography, memoir, oral history, fiction, poetry, and theoretical
and empirical studies that explore and express an individual's
relationship with his or her natural and built environment(s) over
time. Focusing on individual lives rather than on general cultural,
social, or historical patterns - and often paying attention to the
processes of personal development over a life-time - environmental
life-writing seeks to understand the role of the physical environment
as a full actor and element in the complex whole of an individual life.

Thus conceived, environmental life-writing may draw upon the work
and insights of a wide variety of fields (including history, literature,
psychology, humanistic geography, philosophy, anthropology, and
religious studies) in the service of understanding a common theme,
that of individual environmental development - and of creating and
exploring the particular stories that embody that theme. Of course,
many of those stories are found in writings by and about the major
historical figures who have shaped the environment and our
perceptions of it: nature writers, environmentalists, scientists,
farmers, agricultural and industrial workers, hunters, artists,
politicians, planners, industrialists, landscape and urban
architects, etc. At the same time, I hope that we will also
give some thought and attention to the lives of "ordinary" people
(including those of us writing our own environmental autobiographies
and memoirs), to children (both historical and contemporary), and to
reflection on the more general patterns of experience and
development that mark individual relationship with the environment.

Sound interesting? To subscribe to the list (I'm thinking of it as the
"ELF" list, by the way, for Environmental LiFe-writing), simply
send an e-mail to the following address: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
This isn't an automatic server (except when I'm zoned out on coffee),
so you don't need to put "subscribe" in the body of the message etc.;
just make sure your intentions are clear. I'll send back an
introductory message, and we'll get things rolling! If you have any
questions or comments, please contact me at my personal e-mail
address, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (note that this is different
than the address for the group). I also am compiling a networking
list (i.e. a literal list of names etc.) of scholars and writers
interested in specific research topics or writing projects; if you
have specific areas you're working in, please feel free to contact
me about inclusion in that list as well. And please pass this
invitation on to anyone else you think might be interested!

Steven J. Holmes
Lecturer, History and Literature Department, Harvard University
Barker Center 122, Cambridge, MA 02138
Home address: 170 Walter St., #1, Roslindale, MA 02131
(617) 323-9764
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Dr. Stefanie S. Rixecker
Division of Environmental Management & Design
Lincoln University, Canterbury
PO Box 84
Aotearoa New Zealand
Fax: 64-03-325-3841

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