
Stefanie Rixecker
ECOFEM Coordinator

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From: Amy Mullin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Call for Papers-Canadian Society for Women in Philosophy --2000

The Theory of  Women: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives
University of British Columbia, Vancouver BC, October 6-8, 2000.

      Since ancient times, women have been an object of investigation,
description, and theory for philosophers, scientists, and social
scientists.  Only recently have women become prominent observers and
theoreticians of themselves, of one another, and of men. The conference
will analyze the relationship between data-collection and the
in theoretical portrayals of women from ancient times down to the
day.  What types of inference did ancient and modern philosophers
in determining what they took to be an appropriate social-political role

for women?  What observations and measurements do contemporary social
theorists focus on to the exclusion of others?
       There will be opportunities to examine such contemporary issues
the relationship between postulated female strategies in sociobiology
moral and social norms, and the relevance of  "average" distributions of

cognitive traits and emotional preferences in establishing social
To what extent are "essentialist" fallacies involved when we make
assumptions of either sameness or difference in various contexts?

Submissions for consideration should take the form of abstracts that are

approximately 1000 words in length and prepared for anonymous
Funding will be sought to help defray the expenses of participants whose

papers are selected. Papers from graduate students are welcome, as are
proposals for book panels.

To meet SSHRC and other funding deadlines, only abstracts received by
31, 2000 can be considered.  Contributors will need to take into account

the possibility of mail strikes or delays.  Abstracts may be mailed to:
Catherine Wilson, Department of Philosophy, University of British
Vancouver BC V6T 1Z1 or faxed with a cover sheet to: 604-822-8782.  All
submissions will be acknowledged.
Further information will be obtainable from the conference's Website
it is installed.

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Dr. Stefanie S. Rixecker
Division of Environmental Management & Design
Lincoln University, Canterbury
PO Box 84
Aotearoa New Zealand
Fax: 64-03-325-3841

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