The Pap test for cervical cancer could become history because of overzealous law suits, doctors predict. At the interim meeting of the American Medical Association House of Delegates, physicians asked for a study on the issues raised by the use of the Pap smear as a screening tool, noting that some doctors
are reluctant to perform the test due to increasing legal action. AMA board of trustees chairman Dr. Ted Lewers says, "Since its inception more than 50 years ago, the Pap smear has consistently demonstrated a reduction in the number of cancer deaths among women." However, adds the Easton, Md., physician, "failing to recognize that no test is 100 percent accurate, some jurisdictions are holding that a false negative is conclusive evidence of substandard care." In requesting study of the scientific data about the Pap test, Dr. John McMahon of Helena, Mont., told the delegates, "We have to tell the public that we are not perfect, that our tests are not perfect and that our technology is not perfect."

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