
Stefanie Rixecker
ECOFEM Coordinator

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Date: Sun, 23 Jan 2000 10:43:14 +0000
From: Wallace Heim <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


     Explorations in Ecology and Performance

27-30 July 2000
Centre for the Study of Environmental Change &
Department of Theatre Studies
Lancaster University
United Kingdom

BETWEEN NATURE has already begun to generate great interest
and many offers of papers and presentations from people in a wide
range of fields.  This second call invites those who would like to offer
a proposal, but who have not yet sent one, to do so by February 15th.

If you would like to offer a proposal, or simply register to attend the
you can do so on our website -
- or by completing and returning the booking form below.

We can now also announce the names of some of the people who will
be contributing to BETWEEN NATURE:

David Abram, Barbara Adam, Barbara Bender, Una Chaudhuri,
Sue Clifford, David Crouch, Paul Evans, John Fox, Sarah Franklin,
Ronald Grimes, David Haley, Alan Holland, John Jordan, Nick Kaye,
Baz Kershaw, John Law, Nick Mayhew, Alberto Melucci, Malcolm
Miles, Graeme Miller, Clare Patey, PLATFORM, Andrew Quick, Alan
Read, Richard Roberts, Shelley Sacks, Kate Soper, Jackie Stacey,
John Urry, Simon Whitehead, Brian Wynne

BETWEEN NATURE will be a major regional, national and
international gathering for anyone concerned with ecology or
performance.  By bringing together these two domains the event
aims to generate new understandings and modes of engagement
at a time when rapid technological and cultural change is disrupting
many received boundaries - between aesthetics and ethics, nature
and artifice, private and public, knowledge and politics.

BETWEEN NATURE will be innovative in its approach, including
all types of presentations from academic papers to interactive
events, workshops and performances. It presents a unique
opportunity to re-think and re-perform our relationship with nature.

BETWEEN NATURE will address topics such as:

recasting technologies - democracy as theatre - art as social
practice - staging science - convening the city - landscape and
embodied memory - the presentation of the ecological self -
dance and nature -  body and dwelling - ecological rites -
gift, sacrifice and patent - TECH_gnosis - performing places -
the feeling of the land - industry, design and agency - vernacular
and global knowledges - timescales of technology - the politics
of speech acts and silence - risk and security - institutions
as theatre - environmental justice

We invite proposals for all types of presentation from academics
in the social sciences, arts and humanities and natural sciences,
arts practitioners and performers, political and cultural activists,
decision makers and citizens.

We are in discussion with a publisher for a planned publication
based on papers and performance documents from the event.

Event planning group
Gabriella Giannachi, Department of Theatre Studies
Wallace Heim, Department of Philosophy
Nigel Stewart, Department of Theatre Studies
Bronislaw Szerszynski, Centre for the Study of Environmental Change
Claire Waterton, Centre for the Study of Environmental Change

BETWEEN NATURE is supported by The Granada Foundation











CONFERENCE FEE (please circle one)
If paid by institutions
.............................................................stlg 105
If paid by individuals
.............................................................stlg  85
Concessionary rate
(students or unwaged - please include
documentary proof of status.  Limited number available)
.............................................................stlg   55

ACCOMMODATION / MEAL PACKAGE (please circle one)
En-suite accommodation (includes all meals) .................stlg  170
Standard accommodation (includes all meals) ...............stlg 140
Meals only (tea and coffee, lunch and dinner) ..................stlg 75


Please let us know if you have any dietary requirements or special needs.
Almost all areas of the campus are accessible to wheelchair users.
A portable induction loop is available and we can arrange for signing.
Braille transcripts may be available for some papers.

Creche facilities may be available for an additional charge.

A booking can be secured by sending a deposit of stlg 50 to Janet Hamid
at the address below. We regret that refunds are not possible at this late
stage. Payment can be made either by cheque (made payable to Lancaster
University) or by quoting your credit/debit card details below. Please note
that all costs incurred by converting from one currency to another must be
borne by the delegate.

Name on card (if different from above)

Type of card (we can accept Visa, Mastercard, Switch or Solo, but
NOT American Express or Diners' Club International)

Credit card number


Valid from (if applicable)..................................

Expiry date

Amount to debit


Please send all proposals for papers and presentations,
booking forms, payments and other correspondence to:

Janet Hamid
Between Nature
Bowland Tower East
Lancaster University
Lancaster LA1 4YT
United Kingdom

Phone: + 44 (0) 1524 592674
Fax: + 44 (0) 1524 846339

Lancaster is an historic city situated in the North West of
England, close to many scenic areas such as the Lake District
and the Yorkshire Dales.  For more tourist information, please
visit the following websites:
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Dr. Stefanie S. Rixecker, Senior Lecturer
Environmental Management & Design Division
Lincoln University, Canterbury
PO Box 84
Aotearoa New Zealand
Fax: 64-03-325-3841

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