
Stefanie Rixecker
ECOFEM Coordinator

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The UCLA Journal of International Law and Foreign Affairs is now accepting 
original, unpublished papers from graduate students, academic experts and 
professional practitioners whose fields of expertise incorporate the fields 
of International Law and International Relations.  The JILFA was founded in 
order to increase the interaction between experts in these two historically 
estranged fields, and is proud to be the first student published journal to 
explore the nexus of these areas.

We are seeking papers that combine the theoretical orientation of the fields 
of International Relations and International Organization with the practical 
and pragmatic tack of International Law and Foreign Affairs.  The division 
between these fields grew in part from the adoption of more 'scientific' 
techniques in the social sciences in the post-War era.  Despite this, both 
fields have continuously been concerned with essentially the same task: 
understanding the international system and the relations between states.  
The recent rise of normative and qualitative approaches in the social 
sciences and the inclusion of social scientific techniques in international 
law has provided new opportunities for the fields to commingle.  The 
post-Cold war era has further increased this potential interaction by 
fostering the rapid expansion of a global economy and information 
technology, interest in identities, and demands for self-determination and 
democracy.  The JILFA was founded in the belief that analyzing the 
international milieu is best accomplished from an interdisciplinary 

Recent papers have included:
*Commentary on "Migration as International Trade" by Ron Rogowski

*Columbia's Commitment Toward A global Agenda Against Drugs by Ernesto 
Samper, President of Columbia

*Change Held in Abeyance: Durability and Vulnerability in Asad's Syria by 
Raymond Hinnebusch

*China and the WTO: The Transparency Issue by Sylvia Ostry

*Special Symposium Issue: Reconsidering Immigration In An Integrating World

*Comment: Application of the Realist and Liberal Perspectives to the 
Implementation of War Crimes Trials: Case Studies of Nuremberg and Bosnia by 
Laurie A. Cohen

Manuscripts may be submitted either electronically as an e-mail attachment 
or by mail.  If you choose to mail your submission please include a disk.  
We prefer Word or WordPerfect for IBM PC compatible computers.  All 
citations should conform to The Bluebook: A Uniform System of Citation (16th 
edition). Submitted manuscripts should include a 250 word abstract.

Please direct your submissions and questions to us at:

UCLA School of Law
Box 951476, Mailbox 1
Los Angeles, CA  90095-1476
fax: (310) 206-6489
phone: (310) 206-2643

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Dr. Stefanie S. Rixecker, Senior Lecturer
Environmental Management & Design Division
Lincoln University, Canterbury
PO Box 84
Aotearoa New Zealand
Fax: 64-03-325-3841

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