This is a good opportunity to take Action decoupling US public school
funding from logging America's public lands. If you'd like more information,
please e me, or Jeanette, or Steve, both listed below.

If you're able to make a phone call, please let Jeanette (listed below)
through e to help us track progress on this campaign. How far can this
campaign reach? That's up to you and me.

take care/donna
.. Wong Ee Ling, the words you posted are part of my desk top at work, thank
you so very much.

Subject: County Payments Call-In Day Tuesday,  Feb. 15

Negotiations are continuing between key Senate offices and the
Administration on county payments legislation.  The Administration has
not indicated what their final position on the issue will be and needs
to be encouraged to support Chief Dombeck's proposal to decouple county
payments from timber sale receipts.

 At the Headwaters' 9th Annual Western Ancient Forest Activists
Conference this weekend (which was outstanding!) there was an organizing
caucus of grassroots and national activists on the county payments
issue.  The caucus developed an action plan to:

1) Keep pressure on the Clinton Administration by participating in a
national call-in day to Secretary of Agriculture Dan Glickman.   Please
call Sec. Glickman at 202/720-3631 on Feb. 15 and urge him to support
decoupling county payments from timber sale receipts.  His fax number is
202/720-2166 if you wish to send in a letter.

Meanwhile, you can contact Undersecretary of Agriculture Jim Lyons at
202/720-7173 or fax 720-4732 with the same message.

2) Keep pressure on key Senators to support decoupling and to oppose S.
1608, the Craig/Wyden bill, by making calls and sending postcards.
Senators to contact include Sens. Murray (D-WA), Feinstein (D-CA), Wyden
(D-OR), Daschle (D-SD), Bingaman (D-NM), Kennedy (D-MA) and Dodd (D-CT).
  They can be reached through the Capitol Switchboard at 202/224-3121.

3) Organize support from school teachers and teachers' associations for
decoupling.  In California, activists have already initiated a teacher
sign on letter in support of decoupling.  If you are interested in
organizing a similar effort in your state please contact Brian Vincent
at mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] or call 530/265- 3506 for a copy of this
letter which you can use as a template for your state.

4) Organize a county payments lobby week in Washington D.C.   If you
know of any educators, county commissioners, school superintendents or
former commissioners etc. who would be willing to come to Washington in
March please contact me at mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] or call
202/547-9105 as soon as possible.  Thanks.

Steve Holmer
Campaign Coordinator
American Lands
726 7th Street SE
Washington, D.C. 20003
202/547-9213 fax

Jeanette Russell, Network Coordinator
National Forest Protection Alliance
P.O Box, 8264, Missoula,MT 59807
(406) 542-7565, fax (406) 542-7347

The NFPA is a national alliance of citizens and organizations 
dedicated to protecting public lands from commercial exploitation, 
and in particular, protecting federal public lands from commercial 

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