Hi buds and buddhists,

I was just deleting some old ecofeminist list email from about a year or more 
ago, and, while wildly paring without a blink, suddenly decided to read one, 
which contained the following, the pertinence of which at the moment is 
apparent to anyone who's turned on a TV set in recent history:

On a recent trip to Thailand Bryony Schwan discovered 
that 20th Century Fox is making a movie called 
"The Beach" on Phi Phi Leh Island, a treasured National 
Park in Thailand. Portions of the film, which stars Leonardo 
Di Caprio (Titanic-fame), will be shot on Maya Beach on the 
island of  Phi Phi Leh. This is one of the most beautiful, 
unspoiled islands in the Pacific and it is being destroyed to 
meet Hollywood's perception of paradise. The film company 
has already bulldozed large portions of the beach and removed 
much of the natural vegetation (Giant Milkweed, Sea Pandanus,
Spider Lily and other beach grass) in order to widen the beach 
to accommodate a football scene. Fox plans to replace the 
native vegetation with 100 non-native coconut palms to create 
their "paradise." 

Local Thai activists feared that removing the natural 
vegetation would create serious erosion, and they were right. 
The beach has already been eroded and now locals are very 
worried about how much of the beach and bay will remain after 
the monsoons. 

Phi Phi Leh Island is supposedly protected as a National Park 
and is key to the local tourist economy. Thai activists report 
that Thailand'sRoyal Forestry Department violated their own 
regulations and were bought off by 20th Century Fox, who paid 
the government Bhat 4 million. 

Local activists are enraged that the government would cave in 
to Fox's demands and that their concerns were ignored. 
Activists are not opposed to filming on Maya Bay, but want the 
island to be filmed as-is. A lawsuit has been filed, but an 
injunction to stop further destruction of this land was denied. 

The local Thai people have tried everything, from the courts 
to blockading the beach, to protect their island. They need 
our help. They ask the American public to take action and 
boycott the film. The Thai people point out that Americans 
would never allow Thai film makers to bulldoze Yellowstone or 
other US National Parks. Hollywood must get the message 
that exploiting the environment and powerless people is 
unethical. Please help the people of Thailand by: 

1) Passing this message on to everyone you know. 

2) Signing the petition below. 

3) Write a letter to producer Andrew McDonald. Tell him you 
will boycott the film unless 20th Century Fox stops destroying 
Maya Bay. 

The address is: Andrew MacDonald, Producer c/o Carol Sewell 
10201 W. Pico Blvd. Building 89, Room 224 Los Angeles, CA 

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