I don't know a whole lot about what is going on in DC (no tv or paper),
the date 4/18.
am forwarding from nocut list for FYI, will write Antonia for more info

>From: Antonia Juhasz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>To: "Chris O'Brien" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,        Matt Shaffer
><[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,        Joseph Juhasz
><[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,        Pat Rasmussen
>Subject: Please Call Now to Help 200 IMF/WB Detainees
>Date: Tue, 18 Apr 2000 19:16:23 -0400
>Please Circulate Widely
>IMF, World Bank Demonstrators Subject to Widespread Police Abuse
>New Accounts Detail Gross Mistreatment in Jail and in the Streets
>New reports of peaceful protesters beaten by police and U.S. Marshals,
>denied food and water and stripped of their basic constitutional rights

>give the lie to early accounts of police restraint during massive
>protests against the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund
>&#61623; Detainees have deen denied food, water, toilets, medical
>attention, and access to lawyers.
>&#61623; One instance was reported of an interrogator posing as a
>of the Midnight Special Legal Collective, the volunteer lawyers
>representing the activists.
>&#61623; One non-violent protester had 3 ribs broken while he was
>&#61623; Another protester was beaten in the face and then loaded into
>patrol wagon, leaving a pool of blood in the street.  A police official

>told the drivers not to offload him at the jail but to drive him around

>for several hours, and then to drop him off near a hospital.
>&#61623; At midnight on Monday, many activists still reported being
>denied food and water.  Some were arrested at 4 AM, 20 hours earlier.
>Rachel Weber, a recent Harvard graduate from Boston, watched as one
>woman in her cell, who has hypoglycemia, began to throw up from lack of

>food.  Police denied repeated requests for food or medical assistance.
>&#61623; One group of men was taken into a basement, put into a cage,
>and told by a U.S. Marshall, “There are no cameras here.  We can do
>whatever we want.”  Anyone who looked up while the Marshall was
>was punched in the face.
>&#61623; Another activist saw a U.S. Marshalls slam people’s faces into

>a wall.
>&#61623; Jennifer Kirby, a housing advocate from Washington D.C., was
>part of a group of activists who took over an abandoned home to protest

>unfair evictions and social service cuts in the District of Columbia.
>“The police came in and dragged us out of the house.  As the police
>dragged the last person out of the house, one officer was kicking him
>and saying ‘stop attacking my foot’ and then all the police slammed him

>against a wall, saying ‘stop attacking the wall.’  They dragged him
>a six-inch deep puddle and left him in it got five minutes while they
>kicked him,” said Kirby.
>Officers also used a variety of abusive tactics to pit activists in
>against each other and to break “Jail Solidarity,” cooperation between
>activists designed to ensure fair treatment by police.
>&#61623; Black Echo a spectator at the arraignment of several hundred
>activists, heard the presiding commissioner Ringelle imply that if
>activists did not cooperate he would place them with the general jail
>population, where they they would be raped.  “He told us ‘For a day or
>week or a month [Jail] is not a pleasant place.  People get sodomized.
>The inmates run the D.C. Prison.  …  In the prison, the weak are preyed

>upon,” said Black Echo.
>&#61623; Another group of activists was also threatened with
>incarceration with the general population, and told “they love to kill
>white boys over there, you pussy-faggot protesters.”
>&#61623; Detainees are taken into solitary confinement and lied to,
>that they are the last ones in jail, that they won’t be released before

>their court date in July, that they have no rights.
>The Midnight Special Law Collective is asking all concerned to call as
>many of the following numbers to help them in their efforts to gain
>justice for the remaining 200 IMF/WB detainees.  Giving no names,
>express concern that detainees are being abused, and demand their
>immediate release.
>All area codes are 202.
>DC Mayors office:       727-2980
>DC Chief of Staff:      727-2643
>DC Public Advocate:     673-4421
>Dept. of Correction:    673-7316
>DC Chief Judge: 879-2770
>DC Executive Officer Ulysses Hammond: 879-1700
>Police Academy: 645-0055 (detainees held here)
>Central Holding:        727-2894
>1st Dist. Substation:   727-4655
>Superior Court Chief Judge Eugene Hamilton: 879-1600
>Clerk of the Court:     879-1401
>US Atty. For DC:        514-2000 (insist on an investigation and
>prosecution on
>abuses, civil rights violations, and homophobia)
>Cell Blocks B & C: 727-2392
>Antonia Juhasz
>Director, International Trade and Forest Programs
>American Lands Alliance
>726 7th Street, SE
>Washington, DC 20003
>phone: 202-547-9230
>fax: 202-546-9213

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