Dear Ecofems,

Our campaign has begun, to collect comments from cruise ship passengers
in favor of Tongass inclusion in the roadless initiative. Americans have

only until July 17 for their voices be heard on this issue. The local
Chamber of Commerce and Borough Assembly are livid that I'm seeking
comments from across the country and internationally, they've enacted a
yellow ribbon campaign in opposition to our efforts, not wanting to
admit that the Tongass National Forest is held in trust for all

We need your help. If you have a minute, please support Tongass
inclusion in the roadless initiative, it would legally protect over 8
million acres of wilderness, mostly glacier, rock, muskeg, over 2
million is roadless timbered acres that are not currently protected and
scheduled for clearcuts, roads, logdumps. It's the worlds largest
temperate rain forest, home to bear, wolf, goshawk, eagle, salmon, and
so many more species that need their habitat to remain intact.

We will read aloud all comments submitted to endorse@savealaska to the
Forest Service hearing here in Ketchikan, Alaska to show the people who
live here that YES people want the Tongass National Forest protected
from further degradation, roads, logging, mining, off-road vehicle use
and further development.

Thanks for your support and thanks to Ecofems who've already sent
comments, they've helped tremendously with the heavy press coverage
happening here.

Friends of the Tongass
keep those endorsements coming!

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