
Stefanie Rixecker
ECOFEM Coordinator

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Second Symposium on Marine Conservation Biology
San Francisco State University
June 21-26, 2001

(Please save this announcement and share it with your colleagues)

In response to growing interest since our first Symposium on Marine Conservation 
Biology at the University of Victoria, British Columbia in 1997, Marine Conservation 
Biology Institute (MCBI), with co-sponsorship of the Society for Conservation Biology 
(SCB), will hold the Second Symposium on 
Marine Conservation Biology next summer in San Francisco, California.

The Second Symposium will be a forum for established researchers and students in the 
natural and social sciences (including oceanography, marine biology, fisheries science 
and anthropology) and for science-minded managers and others interested in the science 
of protecting, restoring and 
sustainably using biodiversity in the world’s estuaries, coastal waters, enclosed seas 
and open oceans.  It will feature:

1) invited papers, contributed papers and poster sessions
2) skills workshops
3) a participatory forum on funding for research and training, as well as other policy 
4) special accommodations for reporters to encourage coverage of emerging issues
5) a popcorn and video night to showcase research-related footage by participants
6) displays by publishers and other vendors
7) sign language and foreign language interpreters upon request, and
8) field trips that take advantage of the Bay Area’s outstanding natural, scientific 
and cultural resources.

To ensure the quality of the Second Symposium, a Scientific Advisory Committee (for 
its membership,
 see is helping to shape the meeting’s the structure and content

We could not be holding this event without the generosity of the Pew Charitable Trusts 
and the Davi
d and Lucile Packard Foundation.  We invite other foundations, individuals, companies, 
academic ins
titutions, NGOs and government agencies to join them as funders of this landmark event.

In mid-August, MCBI and SCB will be posting a detailed announcement with information 
on registration, field trips, housing, meal plans, etc.  Scientific conference 
coordinator Julie Morrison will be handling all Second Symposium logistics.  For more 
information, please contact Julie at 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] or at her toll-free phone number: 1-877-712-3777.

Please note: Unlike the first Symposium on Marine Conservation Biology, the Second 
Symposium will not be at SCB's annual meeting, to be held July 30 -August 4, 2001 at 
University of Hawaii in Hilo. SCB's 2001 annual meeting will contain select marine 

MCBI is a nonprofit, tax-exempt organization dedicated to advancing the science of 
marine conservation biology and promoting cooperation essential to protecting and 
restoring the Earth's biological integrity.  Headquartered in Redmond, Washington, 
MCBI also has a public policy office in 
Washington DC. See

Jocelyn Garovoy, Program Assistant
Marine Conservation Biology Institute
15806 NE 47th Court, Redmond WA 98052-5208
ph: 1-425-883-8914; fax: 1-425-883-3017; e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
MCBI is a nonprofit, tax-exempt organization dedicated to advancing the science of 
marine conservation biology and promoting cooperation essential to protecting and 
restoring the Earth's biological integrity.
   To learn more, please visit our web site at 

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Dr. Stefanie S. Rixecker, Senior Lecturer
Environmental Management & Design Division
Lincoln University, Canterbury
PO Box 84
Aotearoa New Zealand
Fax: 64-03-325-3841

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