
Stefanie Rixecker
ECOFEM Coordinator
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Assistant Professor of Philosophy, Tenure-track
University of Central Florida

The Department of Philosophy of the University of Central Florida seeks
a tenure-track   Assistant Professor for appointment in a Philosophy
position beginning August 2001.  The Department favors candidates whose
research and teaching expertise fall under the three-part umbrella of
Knowledge, Responsibility, and Society, with a special niche emphasis on
the topic of epistemic responsibility. In addition to its undergraduate
role, the Department teaches core and other Philosophy and Humanities
graduate courses in the Graduate Liberal Studies Program. Teaching
responsibility is 5-6 courses per academic year, with the possibility of
optional summer teaching.  Salary is competitive.

 The Department seeks someone with a specialization in one of the three
areas listed below and a competence either in one of the other two areas
or in something that would enhance the development of the Department.
Three Areas:  (1) Applied epistemology or cognitive science; (2)
Theoretical and Applied Ethics  (3) Aesthetics or Social and Political
Philosophy, preferably in some combination with postmodern thought.

Minimum requirements for the position are (1) the completion of all
requirements (including oral defense) for Ph.D. reported officially to
us by January 15, 2001, (2) demonstrated ability in one=92s areas of
specialization and competence, (3) evidence of quality research ability,
(4) teaching experience and evidence of outstanding teaching ability.
Publications preferred.

The University of Central Florida will interview at the APA Eastern
Meetings in NYC with some arranged interviews and some open interviews.
Interested persons are welcome to visit with us at our reception table
at the Thursday night reception.

Applicants should forward the following materials to the Chair,
Philosophy Search Committee, Department of Philosophy, University of
Central Florida, Orlando, FL 32816-1352: 1) curriculum vitae; 2) 3
letters of reference; 3) writing sample indicating current research
interests; 4) sample syllabi or other evidence of teaching
effectiveness.  Application materials will be reviewed beginning October
31st and continue until the position is filled.  Women and minorities
are encouraged to apply.  The University of Central Florida is an Equal
Opportunity/Affirmative Action employer.  As an agency of the State of
Florida, all application materials and selection procedures are
available for public review.

The University of Central Florida is a rapidly growing and developing
metropolitan University located in Orlando, Florida.  As such, UCF
values diversity, interdisciplinarity, and partnerships that bridge
traditional divisions of town and gown.  The Department of Philosophy
shares these values and seeks to implement them through the
interdisciplinary expertise of its faculty, applied, as well as
theoretical, research, attention to diversity in course content and
pedagogy, and a curriculum in applied philosophy that teaches students
to link knowledge with values and social responsibility.  For more
information on the Department of Philosophy, its faculty and programs,
see our website at
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Dr. Stefanie S. Rixecker, Senior Lecturer
Environmental Management & Design Division
Lincoln University, Canterbury
PO Box 84
Aotearoa New Zealand
Fax: 64-03-325-3841

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