GROW Project Completes Websites for 10 Rural Grassroots Groups

For Immediate Release: September 19, 2000
For more information contact Alice McCombs 715-524-5998

(Shawano, WI) Ten rural grassroots organizations have new websites courtesy
of the EarthWINS GROW Project.

Grassroots Rural Online Webworks (GROW) is a project developed by
EarthWINS,, and Clean Water Action Council of Northeast
Wisconsin,, with a grant from the Great Lakes Aquatic Habitat
Network and Fund (GLAHNF) The GLAHNF grant
provided funds for domain registration, hosting, and promotion for 10
domain-name websites to rural organizations, or organizations with a large
rural membership, that work to protect aquatic habitats in the Great Lakes

Alice McCombs, President of EarthWINS, an online activist organization in
Shawano, states, "Grassroots groups located in rural areas have a hard time
using the Internet, especially getting websites. I wrote the GROW grant to
help these groups learn to use the Internet and to get the public and media
attention for their issues that having their own domain-name websites would

The GROW Project helped Friends of the Mecan, one of the organizations
fighting Perrier in Central Wisconsin, with
McCombs states, "Most of the people struggling to protect Mecan Springs and
later Big Spring in Adams County were not online. After many phone calls,
emails, and attending one of the company's PR events in March, I was able
to design and promote a website that informs the public about the
communities' fight to protect their water supplies."

Steve Argo, coordinator for Waterkeepers of Wisconsin, a group opposing
Perrier in Adams County states, "The Friends website has been very helpful
with fundraising and public education. We list the website on all of our
group's literature."

The GLAHNF grant allowed EarthWINS to provide a range of design services
from a simple "front page" to a large site with many pages. Midwest Treaty
Network (MTN),, already had a non-domain name site and
only needed a "front page" with an easily recognizable website address.
Zoltan Grossman, MTN Coordinator, states, " has rapidly
become the first stop for people around the country and the world wanting
to find out about treaty rights and Native American environmental
issues in the western Great Lakes region."

Bonnie Fronek of Clean Water Forever,, a group
that raises funds to help the Town of Nashville pay legal fees incurred in
its fight against the proposed Crandon mine, said she is grateful for the
work done on their site. "The Clean Water Forever website helps make it
easier for non-profit organizations to look at how they can earn income.
Also having the generic trust language available for anyone to see has been
a great asset. Clean Water Forever has earned $1650 so far with the help of
our website."

McCombs designed the GROW Project websites. EarthWINS has provided free
website services to 26 organizations since 1995.

Online Technical Support for the GROW websites will be available at
"Cyber-Barbarians," EarthWINS new website under "heavy construction" at "During the struggle to pass the Mining
Moratorium the mining industry called activists using the Internet
'cyber-barbarians'," McCombs said. "So I decided to oblige.
Cyber-Barbarians will provide useful tools for Internet activists such as
resources for research, contacting the media, raising funds and, of course,
website design."

EarthWINS GROW Project Websites:

Citizens for Safe Water Around Badger (CSWAB)
Clean Water Forever
Flintsteel Restoration Association
Friends of the Mecan
New Transportation Alliance (NTA)
Northwoods Economic Development Project (NEDP)
Rusk County Citizens Action Group (RCCAG)
Wisconsin Resources Protection Council (WRPC)
Wolf Watershed Educational Project/Midwest Treaty Network 

Alice McCombs
P O Box 573
Shawano, WI 54166
Ph: 715-524-5998
FAX (Call First): 715-524-9958

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