
Tuesday September 19, 5:07 pm Eastern Time

POLL-US public supports humane treatment for hens

By Gail Appleson

NEW YORK, Sept 19 (Reuters) - Most U.S. citizens oppose common but 
controversial techniques used by egg producers to stimulate egg production in 
starving hens, according to a poll released on Tuesday.

The practices received widespread publicity in August when McDonald's Corp.
(NYSE:MCD - news) said it would no longer buy eggs from producers who fail to 
provide humane conditions for chickens.

The poll, conducted by Zogby America for Watkins Glen, New York-based Farm 
Sanctuary, showed that 75.4 percent of respondents found it unacceptable to 
starve hens for over a week in order to induce the hens' bodies to ``molt,'' 
stimulating the egg production cycle and increasing production.

The telephone poll surveyed 1,204 adults across the country between Sept. 15 
and Monday.

Farm Sanctuary Director Gene Bauston said the poll results indicated widespread 
support for McDonald's action, the first by a major U.S. restaurant chain. Farm 
Sanctuary is an animal welfare group with more than 75,000 members.

``The egg industry routinely subjects hens to inhumane living conditions which 
offend public sentiments,'' Bauston said. ``We believe that McDonald's recent 
action sends an important and powerful message to the egg industry.''

He said most of the 300 million egg-laying hens in the United States are 
confined in small wire cages that are lined up and stacked in tiers in 
factory-like warehouses.

Hens are crowded so tightly they cannot stretch their wings. Bauston said these 
conditions are outlawed in Europe.

According to the Zogby poll, 86.2 percent of respondents said it was 
unacceptable to confine egg-laying hens in these types of restrictive 

In late August McDonald's, which buys 2 billion eggs a year, said it would no 
longer do business with farmers who withdraw food and water from the hens. The 
fast food chain also said it would not buy eggs from suppliers who trimmed the 
birds' beaks to keep them from hurting each other. 

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