
Stefanie Rixecker
ECOFEM Coordinator

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"Making a Start Out of Particulars"
Fourth Biennial Conference of ASLE
June 19-23, 2001
Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff

The Association for the Study of Literature and Environment (ASLE) invites
proposals for its Fourth Biennial Conference, to be held June 19-23, 2001,
at Northern Arizona University in Flagstaff. Taking as our theme a phrase
from William Carlos Williams' _Paterson_ -- "To make a start / out of
particulars" -- we seek proposals for papers, panels, roundtables, field
sessions, workshops, and other verbal performances that pertain to
relations of language and place. We construe "place" in senses both local
and global, as informing motion as well as settlement, in travel and
tourism, homesteading and homelessness, city streets and wilderness parks
and preserves: we invite proposals on any aspect of these. We especially
invite proposals for sessions that amplify and extend topics to be featured
in plenary sessions and roundtables: gendered, ethnic, and classed
perspectives upon language and landscape; relations between biology and
ecocriticism; ecological approaches to composition, rhetoric, literacy and
pedagogy; urban nature writing; regionalism and nationalism in critical
environmental studies. We seek proposals for poster sessions, to which a
special space and exhibit time will be assigned. And as always, we welcome
presentations on all aspects of literature, language, and environment,
including readings of environmentally-inflected creative nonfiction and

ASLE's ranks are growing; we face an increasing tension between keeping our
conference inclusive and keeping our program schedule manageable. To
maximize the number of people who can present -- and to enhance the
interest of sessions and the attention spans of attendees -- we will favor
proposals for sessions involving at least three and preferably more
participants. We invite those wishing to organize or join such sessions to
post notices to the ASLE listserv and/or to allied lists: Diversity-L,
ASLE-CCCC (the ecology and composition list), and others listed on the ASLE
web site <>. We encourage session formats in which
several presenters discuss their work and engage in conversation about it
rather than read papers verbatim, making that work otherwise available to
those who wish to read it in entirety -- a format used with success, for
example, at MLA sessions on environmental literature. We do not proscribe
formal paper proposals or individual submissions and will strive to create
coherent sessions out of those we receive. But we will appreciate your
efforts to band together and pre-organize your contributions, as it were,
to create sessions that arrive fully-fledged, involving many.

The deadline for applications is JANUARY 19, 2001.  To submit a proposal,
send a 1-2 page abstract to:

                         Randall Roorda
                         ASLE 2001 Program Coordinator
                         Department of English
                         University of Kentucky
                         Lexington, KY 40506-0027

OR, you are encouraged to submit electronically, by cutting-and-pasting
your proposal (no attachments, please!) into an e-mail message to:
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>. Please type "ASLE 2001" as the subject line to your
message, so the computer will filter your message into the designated

For more information about ASLE and our 2001 conference, please see the
ASLE web site: <>.

Dan Philippon
Assistant Professor
Department of Rhetoric
University of Minnesota, Twin Cities
78 Classroom Office Building
1994 Buford Avenue
Saint Paul, MN 55108

Voice: 612-624-4209
Fax:   612-624-3617
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Dr. Stefanie S. Rixecker, Senior Lecturer
Environmental Management & Design Division
Lincoln University, Canterbury
PO Box 84
Aotearoa New Zealand
Fax: 64-03-325-3841

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