
Stefanie Rixecker
ECOFEM Coordinator

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> January 1, 2001: The Culture of the New West:
> The co-editors and University of Utah Press would like to make a final
> call for papers to join an innovative and provocative set of essays in an
> anthology examining the culture, history, politics, and commodification of
> the 'New West.' The working title of this series of essays is "Imagining
> the Big Open: Nature, Identity and Play in the New West." We seek out
> essays that illuminate a West in which SUV's and an REI card exist in
> symbiosis with the Wilderness movement and a Sierra Club membership; a
> West in which the symbols of authentic identity shift from cowboy hats to
> a North Face jacket. Possible categories will involve: "Tasting the West"
> including essays revolving around the development of the aesthetic West,
> from the New West haute cuisine of elk tenderloin with huckleberry sauce,
> to architecture and unobstructed and consumed landscapes; "The Politics of
> Patagonia" which would include topics revolving around nature and
> recreation; "Selling the West," which would contain papers examining the
> commodification of the New West, from New Age Westerners, Western kitsch
> and the Nissan SUV (complete with first aid kit for outdoor
> recreationalists), to the narrative of Outside magazine; and "Scripting
> the West" which would include essays examining the narrative of the New
> West in film and in the explosion of recent works of Western literature,
> much of which place the land at the center of a Western identity and
> sensibility. This section might also include essays on how celebrities,
> from John Denver in Colorado to Robert Redford in Utah or Ted Turner in
> Montana, produce their own particular Western spaces. Contributors may
> adopt an interdisciplinary approach to their material. Papers should be no
> more than 25 pages in length, (not including end notes), scholarly and
> analytical but accessible to a wide readership and of interest to scholars
> in many academic disciplines. The anthology will include essays by
> academics specializing in Western History and Studies, Environmental
> History or Cultural Studies, along with writers and essayists who have
> focused on western topics in their work. Please send completed work to
> Liza Nicholas-8891 Bridger Canyon Road, Bozeman, MT 59715. E-mail:

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Dr. Stefanie S. Rixecker, Senior Lecturer
Environmental Management & Design Division
Lincoln University, Canterbury
PO Box 84
Aotearoa New Zealand
Fax: 64-03-325-3841

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