Dear Friends of Women (and Men) Around the World
If you would like your names to be added to supporters and
social witnesses, please feel free to send an email

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For More Information send an email to

An Urgent Open Letter to 
UN Secretary General Kofi Annan and 
UN High Commissioner on Human Rights Mary Robinson
US State and Federal Election Commissioners
World Election Commissioners
and our world linked by the Internet

Re: The Declaration of Democracy, 2000
    The urgent qualification of emergency write-in candidates and protest referenda
    in the US election via this announcement
    Gender Balance in the Parliament and Legislatures of India, other nations
    Gender Balance in Peace Making in Current Regional/World Conflicts
This document is available on the weallwin website at
and also on soc.culture.Internet newsgroups of every nation

Dear Mr. Annan and Ms. Robinson:

As you know November 7th is the date of a Presidential election in
the United States, and October 24 just passed was the anniversary of
the United Nations.  As you also know, the people of the United
States and the citizenry of all the members governments of the United
Nations are deeply concerned about the process of democracy in all
governments, including the US and the UN. Of particular concern are
two important at related issues: the representativeness of these
institutions regarding women and men as equals, and the functioning
of these institutions with inclusive democracy and without corruption
of money to hold elections which express the will of the people.  This
issue is also deeply affecting the government of Indo-Peninsula, the
governments of the Middle East, the nations of the Balkans, and
other areas of the world desirous of real democracy and your
immediate concern.  On October 25, the day after the UN Millennial
Anniversary and in honor of it, a special meeting was held
to insist that the issue of women in highest executive office of
all nations was not delayed for another several years, but addressed
responsibly now, in time for the American election.  

In 1847, in Seneca Falls New York, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, strongly
encouraged by Frederick Douglass, and leading a group of slavery
abolitionists and women's suffragists, declared the human right of
women to have equal voting rights already available to men.  Stanton
is considered a preeminent Mother of woman's human rights in the
United States, her husband Henry Stanton was also a well known
abolitionist and defender of human rights, and Douglass was the
preeminent and visionary escaped slave who lead the abolition of
slavery in the United States, and author of the famous abolitionist
and woman's suffrage journal of advocacy, the North Star.  These
individuals, and their very important colleagues, opened a path for
human rights that made gave a passage to freedom and benefitted
millions of women, and equally, there husbands, fathers, brothers and
children in the United States, and all the human family around the

In July, 1998, while activists in the United States were
commemmorating the events of Seneca Falls and the passage of the
votes for women in the United States in Celebrations in Seneca Falls,
the Parliament of India was interrupted for a full week by sit-ins
held women activists in that nation, attempting to gain public law to
achieve gender balance in that Parliament and all the State
legislatures of India.  Despite their simultaneous nostalgic
celebrations in Seneca Falls, few American womens groups knew of the
events in India, because the American television and newspaper media
did not cover it.  Only Americans with access to Internet news
services knew of the events in India, and their calls to major media
to cover the story and bring it to the attention of women and all the
people of the United States went unheeded. The bills to achieve
gender balance in the Indian Parliament were tabled indefinitely by
the current Indian government, and most American women never were
notified of this issue as something to consider an issue about the
functioning of the US government and publicly licensed media
regarding the responsitilibity to inform American women and the
American electorate of issues directly relevant to their own
status in the US government.

In July, 1999, a small group of US women of the House of
Representatives interrupted a Congressional hearing to demand that
the US sign the UN document of CEDAW - the Comprehensive Elimination
of Discrimination Against Women.  The US Congresswomen were
"politely" but forcibly ejected from the hearing, and CEDAW remains
unsigned by the United States.  Only 12% of the US Congress is
female, and minorities and people who are less than upper class
financially are also not proportionally represented there.

Many nations but less populous nations of the world do have gender
balance in government and more democratically respresentative
legislatures. Many of these governments have been leaders in
peacemaking both regionally and nationally such as several
Scandinavian Countries. In other countries, such as Ireland and
Northern Ireland peace processes were catalyzed by major women's
involvement and activism alongside their men and children, but remain
still fragile and vulnerable, handled by government representatives
who are predominantly male and not gender balanced.  In other parts
of the world, such as Africa, vast numbers of people are healing the
wounds of violence and starvation inflicted by male warlords and
unrepresentative governments, but many women and men are working
together to bring modern gender balance to societies that
recently genitally mutilated females.  The governments of Asia
are also reconciling their desire for peace and cooperation with
each other with the need to safeguard women.  The Beijing Conference
in China drew activists from all over the region and world.

The Declaration of Democracy 2000
On October 25, 2000 one day after the UN anniversary, three simple
citizens of the United States of America met in Mary-land in the
United States, and declared the human right of the people of their
nation and all nations in the world to have:  1).  equal
representation of women and men in all executive offices and
legislatures/institutions, and 2). elections untainted by the
influence of preselection of as the result of money, including both
selection of elected officials, and national referenda, and including
the right of emergency write-in to express the will of the people in
resisting a tainted election.  (Using very simple, portable and
available computer technology, write-ins are easy to read on any
ballot of any nation around the world.)

They are calling their declaration the Declaration of Democracy. All
three people are also members of the weallwin campaign to bring
meaningful democracy to the US election process, starting with the
November 7th US election. These citizens are: Andrew Miller, an
advocate for universal humanity and democratic use of computers and
technology, whose software co-authored with his wife, RELATIVITY(tm)
was inspired by the multidimensional relational insights of Albert
Einstein and now benefits human families and communities in
hospitals. clinics, courts and pastoral settings of all denominations
in 23 nations, Rachelle OneFamily Miller, Ph.D., co-author of
RELATIVITY(tm) and a doctorate in psychology running as a write-in
for the office of the US Presidency to bring the first woman to that
post in the nations 225 year history, and Anthony Michael Cohen, a
descendant of both slaves and free blacks, and the director of the
Underground Railroad Association, who has personally walked the route
of the Underground Railroad in the United States, and the only man
afforded the honor by the US Park Service of being allowed to sleep
in the Seneca Falls meeting house where Douglass and Stanton and
their colleagues and friends met to produce the Declaration of Human
Sentiments in 1847. After their drafting this declaration, the
Millers and Mr. Cohen sought and obtained endorsement for their
Universal Declaration from men and women of democracy, many of whom
are members of the weallwin campaign, as well as other important
democratic organizations of change in the US. A list of signers and
social conscience witnesses is below, and the Declaration is now
circulating the Interent with the request that additional signers
send their endorsement via email to you.

Today, not only the US government, but many governments and the UN
itself is on trial before the inhabitants, the human family, of our
now computer and Internet linked planet.  In the US history, the
Declaration of Human Sentiments catalyzed the amendment and
redemption of immoral and inhumane aspects of the US Constitution
that denied full citizenship to over half of US citizens - the 51-53%
of the US population that is female, and the Declaration of
Sentiments signers and their descendants simultaneously sought to
overturn the Constitutional clauses and the infamous Dred Scott
decision that denied full and meaningful citizenship and voting
rights to slaves, and in many cases, black freemen, and later, poor
peole unable to pay "poll taxes" as well. In an era unlinked by
computer and the Internet, the delays in making these changes
caused:  the bloody US Civil War, a nearly 150 year delay and
struggle involving millions of people and millions of dollars to
grant women voting rights should have been theirs inalienably and
which were requested in 1776 by Abigail Adams and other women but
denied by a male dominated exclusive group, and millions of people. 
millions of days and long hours and millions of dollars resulting in
the Passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1974, and a history of
non-inclusive and therefore often flawed decision-making and
diplomacy for 200 years that did not included the insights of women,
people of color, and people not overadvantaged and/or corrupted by
money.  Thus, in the days prior to the Internet, it took hundreds of
years and millions of human lives to bring basic freedoms to millions
of people in the United States, and the process is still incomplete. 
Similar delays and struggles occurred, and are still occurring, in
many nations around the world,  

Yet, neither major party allowed a woman on its ticket for the
US Millennial election.  We believe this is prima facie evidence 
that the current US election is gender discriminatory, and
an abridgement of human rights. We are asking emergency relief
from our own election commissions, and all international human
rights agencies, including not not limited to the United Nations.

In our own historic and Millennial time, neither the US nor the UN
can any longer afford (or need) the "luxury" of time and human
effort if they are to be seen as valid governments by millions of
inhabititants of this planet, and indeed, to even expect to function
to meet the tasks before them.  In the Internet linked planet we now
share, it is not the citizens of the world who must rise to the
occasion of their mission, especially the grossly underrepresented
women, it is their governments and institutions.  In a world where
computer technology is used to scan envelopes to speed the mail, and
organizations like Project Vote-Smart, Public Hearing and others can
easily list serious candidates so that millions of people can see and
learn about them, and serious candidates can seriously promote their
own websites in Internet forums that reach citizens throughout the
nation and world, there is no excuse for elections which do not allow
inhabitants the right of authentic and non-preselected write-in,
especially emergency write-in to combat tyranny, as part of their
rights of freedom of speech. There is no excuse for governments and
institutions run by mostly men and no women for hundreds of years,
and there is no excuse for the selection of executives and
representatives based on the influence of money.  Technology is
giving us democracy in the blink of a mouse click; we cannot and will
no longer support national and international institutions that deny
meaningful and inclusive democracy to all the citizens of any nation
the world.

The UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights is now visible via the
Internet to millions of people everyday. If the UN is not to suffer
the fate of the League of Nations and fall to the weight of its own
males-of-privilege-infighting and democratic limitations, unable to
make peace and increase human well-being, then you, Ms. Robinson, and
you Mr.  Annan, and all your colleagues at the UN must act to fulfill
the Declaration of Democracy.  You must do so now.  You must inform
members nations like the US, and indeed all nations, that their
elections must bring women into representation in office; not
tomorrow, but now; must be fair, and must be untainted by money. You
must inform the American Supreme Court that the Buckley v Villejo
decision which empowers money over people, like the Dred Scott
decision which upheld the validity of slavery, is unacceptable to the
human rights of the people of the world, and is dangerously dividing
not only the US, but dividing the world into two groups, the people
of democracy and the people, especially, the overrepresented and
dominating men, of money, and sets the stage for regional conflict
and war on an unprecedented scale if gender injustice continues to
keep the insights of women excluded from the leadership of nations. A
world so divided will not be able to make peace or keep it. 

The Stanton Family and Mr.  Douglass gave American history the path
to preventive peace and unity once before, but a nation chose a
dreaded path instead, before beginning steps do the right thing. Now,
in the Millennial Year 2000, this Declaration of Democracy is giving
you the preventive path to peace now. Your member nations must have
governments where women and men are equally represented via fully
free elections untainted by money and where the citizenry can
write-in choices if the election process has failed to offer them the
democratic, and so often lacking, gender balanced choice they
deserve. Women have been shown by modern research to have certain
advantages in making peace and resolving conflict. Institutions and
governments that fail to bring women into office by fair democratic
elections in roughly equal number to men have outlived their
usefulness for this planet.

The UN is currently engaged in Peace Missions in the Middle East, and
will likely continue to be needed in the Balkans, and to assure peace
and stability for Pakistan and India.  We must point out that the
origins of the religion-linked conflict of the Middle East, the
Balkans, and other parts of the world are often associated with the
historical second class status of women.  For example,  consider the
political status of two mothers - Hagar and Sarah, competing with
each other to bring their children the favor of a father/head of
government, Abraham, himself caught within the the limitations of
patriarchy. Nations that empower fathers but not mothers cannot make
peace in the Millennial year or future.  This is the message of this
Declaration of Democracy, 2000 brought forth out of Mary-land.  The
modern everywoman and everyman  Marys, Michaels and Adams of our world
realize they are and must be active, direct and EQUAL participants in
the events of the world if this world is to survive and prosper. We
believe the if Mr.  Annan is to bring peace to any region, he must
be accompanied by Ms.  Robinson at all talks, and both Mr. Annan and
Mrs. Robinson must address the failures of democracy and improve the
representation of women in all governments of any region.  Leaders of
both sexes must be equally present in all peacetalks, in any area of
conflict in our world, or they will not work.  The problem of the
current news is not nationalism or national destiny - it is patriarchy.
Indeed, it is the underlying problem of globalization, and thus, your
immediate concern at the UN.  It is your responsibility to address
that problem, now, wherever it exists, in any nation in the world.
The Middle East is your first crisis in rising to the occasion; if
you are not successful - it may be your and the UN's last. That is
why we are sure you will succeed, in the manner we suggest.

>From Pat Schroeder to Elizabeth Dole and many talented women leaders
from every field of expertise so daunted by money-requirements that
they avoided politics, many American women were denied a process of
candidacy because of the influence of money, and most male corporate
money, on the election process of the United States.  Sexism also
affected the candidate selection of virtually every party, and the
women of the weallwin campgaign can provide specific examples, as
needed.  Rachelle OneFamily Miller, Ph.D., Paula Elizabeth Bennett,
Alexandra Lorraine and the write-in women Presidential candidates of
the weallwin campaign are the first women in US history to bring
their struggle to bring women to the Presidency before the world via
the Internet. Their runningmates, the men of the weallwin campaign,
including Mr. Erickson, Mr. Chimento, Pearlman, Mr. Cohen and others
listed on a the growing list of women and men at the weallwin website,
are also bringing the tainting of the US election by partyism and
moneyism to the attention of the world. We know that similar
corruptions are affecting the elections of many nations, and the need
for immediate gender balance in government leadership is daily
becoming more urgent. We ask, and we insist that you personally live
up to the ideals of the UN and the ideals of democracy and fulfill
this petition to require the above described Declaration of Democracy
be a prerequisite for any member nation of the UN, and to personally
intervene with the US Federal and State Election Commissions to
insure that all votes, including write-in votes and write-in
referenda, are counted by all election commissions.  We demand that
write-ins of any candidates listed in any state/or on the Internet on
a serious website seriously brought to the attention of the American
people via the Internet, be counted in this otherwise immoral and
invalid election so badly tainted by moneyism, if this election is to
be deemed by the citizens of this nation to have moral validity, a
prereqisite of law and any functional valididty.  These candidates
are the moral and ethical best America has to offer in the current
election.  Votes for them anywhere in the US deserve to be counted,
and so does the write-in referenda phrase "MONEY WAS NEVER SPEECH". 
Accepting these write-ins for this badly tainted, male money
dominated election is the best and perhaps only way to redeem it, and
insure that future elections in the US are not tainted by genderism,
racial exclusion, and moneyism.

A UN anniversary that celebrates a membership roster of mostly men
heads of governments is demonstration of an organization not yet
ready to function in a fresh new world, a new Millennium.  The first
step in obtaining functionality is to enforce the gender balance and
inclusive democratic processes of election. Some member nations
already have these processes in place. It is your official mission of
leadership to hold an emergency session of the UN to assure these
processes are immediately put in place in every nation, and to assist
the emergence of men and women safe but sure passage from the era of
patriarchy to the era of democratic partnership.  We wish you well in
successful leadership, and we are sure this letter and our
Declaration of Democracy will assist you in that task.


Rachelle OneFamily Miller Ph.D.
Woman Candidate for President in the Millennial Year
Hjalmer Wayne Erickson, Write-In Candidate for Partner Presidency
with Dr. Miller
Anthony Michael Cohen, Director of the Menare Foundation
to honor the Underground Railroad and human liberation
and Write-In Presidential Candidate
Andrew Miller, WeAllWin Technology and Human Rights Consultant
 and Empowered Citizen-Leader of Internet Democracy
Barbara Erickson, Mother and Advocate of Gender Balance in Government
 to Protect the World's Children, and Erickson Children and Families
Daniel Joseph Pearlman and Alexandra Lorraine
Candidates for Presidency/Vice-Presidency in Equal Partnership 
Carmen Chimento, Write-In Candidate for President and his wife and family
Paula Elizabeth Bennett, Write-in Candidate for President
Joe Shriner, Write-In Candidate for President and Liz Shriner, his wife
Quentin Colgan, Write-In Candidate for President
Carlet Ward, Write-In Candidate for President
Jeffrey Peters, Write-In Candidate for President and his wife CiCi Peters,
potential additional write-in candidate for US President

For More Information, Supportive Remarks and Additional Perspective,
We Suggest You Contact:

Giving Social Witnesses/Spiritual Supporters of the WeAllWin Campaign
and Potential Candidates on Gender Balanced Tickets by Election Day

Robert Morris Mustard, We The People and descendant of a contemporary
of John and **Abigail** Adams, working on "remembering the ladies"
Dr. Heather Ann Harder.  Former Candidate for President and
advocate for enlightened gender balanced government, Democratic Party
Paul Demain and Unity journalist for affirmative action
and Campaign Manager for Winona Laduke, Green Party
Dr. Lenora Fulani, Third Party Catalyst and Human Rights Advocate 
Marianne Williamson, Authoress and Spiritual Advocate for
Democracy, and Matthew Albracht Communications Officer for
The Global Rennaissance Alliance
Louis Worth Jones, ACLU Expert on Freedom of Speech and
 essayist on Mary Wallstonecraft
Rev. Victor Carpenter Jr., human rights advocate in South Africa
 and the United States
others to be added

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