
X-posted from consbio.

Stefanie Rixecker
ECOFEM Coordinator

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Date sent:              Wed, 22 Nov 2000 15:47:42 -0500
From:                   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject:                Environmental Defense Environmental Science NGO Minigrant 
To:                     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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MEMO TO:  Non-governmental Environmental Organizations

FROM:     Michael Oppenheimer, Environmental Defense

RE:       NGO Minigrant Opportunity for Science Programs

Environmental Defense is requesting Letters of Inquiry for our next round
of Environmental Science Program NGO Minigrants to be awarded in the spring
of 2001. The letters should be no longer than one page and should describe
potential proposals for projects at a maximum cost of $15,000.  For this
round we are interested in projects related to the following topics:
invasive species, marine reserves, aquaculture, ecosystem restoration,
endangered species conservation, and climate change.

This program is funded by the Packard Foundation and aims to increase the
ability of non-governmental environmental organizations to utilize
scientific expertise and engage academic scientists in activities that
further the goals of the environmental community.

Such activities include:

·    Research projects that aim to resolve key uncertainties inhibiting
progress on environmental problems
·    Involvement by academic scientists in public education about the
environmental problems and means to solve them
·    Involvement by academic scientists in the public policy process
·    Exchanges of expertise and people between the academic and
environmental communities through the use of interns, fellows, and

The types of activities Environmental Defense will support with an NGO
Minigrant include partial salaries for academics, graduate students,
interns, and science fellows, as well as meetings, travel expenses, and
other costs that further a research project.  We will not support overhead,
indirect costs, equipment costs, or salaries for permanent NGO staff.

The Letter of Inquiry due date is December 19, 2000.  Please visit our
website at for more information
on the guidelines to follow in applying for an NGO Minigrant.

Thank you for taking the time to consider how your organization might use
such a minigrant to forward goals that are important to all of us.

------- End of forwarded message -------

Dr. Stefanie S. Rixecker, Senior Lecturer
Environmental Management & Design Division
Lincoln University, Canterbury
PO Box 84
Aotearoa New Zealand
Fax: 64-03-325-3841

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