[just in time for valentine's day - Will]
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Date: Mon, 12 Feb 2001 20:20:43 +0100
From: info <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Urgent appeal to get comments in by 2/16
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Subject: [EF!] Urgent appeal to get comments in by 2/16
Date: Mon, 12 Feb 2001 11:11:47 -0800
From: "Dian Hardy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Help Stop Government's Efforts to Resume Whaling by the Makah Tribe

Despite overwhelming national and international opposistion, the U.S.
government is aiding the Makah tribe of northwest Washington in its
efforts to resume whaling. In 1999, the Makah tribe brutally harpooned
and slaughtered its first gray whale in nearly 80 years under a U.S.
government approved process that was subsequently deemed illegal by the
9th Circuit Court of Appeals. Far from teaching the government a lesson,
it has responded to the court's order by publishing a new Draft
Environmental Assessment which contains many of the same significant
inadequacies that were in its original Environmental Assessment. It is
clear that the U.S. government is only interested in facilitating
whaling by the Makah regardless of the short or long-term environmental
impacts associated with this killing and in complete disregard for the
interests of the majority of Americans who strongly oppose whaling.

The Draft Environmental Assessment is woefully inadequate. It fails to
evaluate the documented decline in gray whale food supplies in the
Bering Sea, to analyze the impact of global warming on the quantity and
quality of gray whale habitat, to properly consider the impact of
whaling on resident gray whales in the northwest Washington area,
ignores public safety threats associated with the use of a
military-style 50 caliber rifle to kill whales, to consider the
significance of the precedence caused by Makah whaling, and otherwise
ignores compelling evidence which supports a ban on whale hunting.

It is imperative that anyone who cares about whales take a few minutes
to prepare a letter to the National Marine Fisheries Service opposing
the resumption of whaling by the Makah tribe. Send your letter to:

Ms. Cathy E. Campbell
Office of Protected Resources
13th Floor
1315 East-West Highway
Silver Spring, MD 20910
Fax: (301) 713-0376

Your letter must be received by the NMFS on or before February 16, 2001
to be considered. The NMFS will not consider letters sent via electronic

In preparing your letter, please consider making the following points.

Or, feel free to use the sample letter provided below and adapt it into
your own words.

* The Draft Environmental Assessment is entirely inadequate failing to
justify the purpose and need for the action, disclose critical
information about the environmental impacts of whaling, and avoiding any
comprehensive and legally required evaluation of the direct, indirect,
and cumulative impacts of the action on the gray whale population.

* The government has ignored evidence of a decline in gray whale food
supplies, the adverse impact of global warming on the quality and
quantity of gray whale habitat, and has ignored a significant increase
in gray whale mortalities and decrease in gray whale calf production
documented in 1999.

* The government has failed to disclose critical information about the
environmental impacts of whaling by the Makah, the precedent that such
whaling could set for other native groups to resume whaling, and
critical legal information, thereby preventing the public from
understanding the environmental consequences of this action and
preparing substantive and informed public comment.

* Tell the government that you support Alternative 4 - the no action, no
whaling alternative.

Thank you for helping to stop the resumption of whaling by the Makah
tribe. Please encourage your friends, family, colleagues, and associates
to help stop the slaughter as well.


Sample Letter:

February ___, 2001

Ms. Cathy E. Campbell
Office of Protected Resources
13th Floor
1315 East-West Highway
Silver Spring, MD 20910

Dear Ms. Campbell:

I am writing to express my unalterable opposition to the U.S.
government's ongoing efforts to facilitate a resumption in whaling by
the Makah tribe in northwest Washington. As scientists learn more
the substantial intelligence and sentience of whales, including the
whale, it is appalling that the government would be engaged in efforts

to allow the Makah to slaughter these magnificent animals.

The government's Draft Environmental Assessment is woefully inadequate

and contains many of the same deficiencies as were found in its
Environmental Assessment published in 1997. The government has failed
explain how the Makah meet U.S. and International Whaling Commission
regulations pertaining to aboriginal subsistence whaling. It is clear
from the evidence, in fact, that the Makah cannot meet this definition

as they can demonstrate no continued traditional dependence on whaling

and because whaling is not essential to meet the tribe's nutritional
subsistence needs. The government has also completely failed to
the declining status of the gray whale food supplies and the impact of

global warming on the quality and quantity of gray whale habitat.
Furthermore, the government has apparently elected to ignore the
significant increase in gray whale mortality and decrease in gray
births in 1999 which may signal trouble for the future of the gray
whale. Finally, the government fails to discuss the impact of whaling
individual whales. I don't believe that the eight minutes that it
allegedly took the Makah to kill the gray whale in 1999 was at all
humane and the suffering caused by such killing must be considered by
the government.

I also am concerned about the precedent that Makah whaling may set for

additional whaling by other native groups and, ultimately, to a
worldwide resumption of whaling. Considering what the world's whale
species have been subject to in the past and the known intelligence
sentience of these creatures, there is no justification for whaling by
single country or by a single native group. While the government may
convinced that the Makah have no commercial interest in whaling, I
believe that both the Makah and the government are using the
needs argument as a precursor to the eventual decision to permit the
Makah to engage in whaling for commercial purposes.

For all of these reasons, I strongly support Alternative 4 - the
no-kill/no whaling option. I strongly encourage the government to
alternative 4 as its final resolution of this issue to protect the
whale as is consistent with my interests and the interests of the
majority of Americans.


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