----- forwarded message -----
Date: Thu, 15 Feb 2001 23:27:05 +0100
From: info <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Political skills training!
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Subject: [starcgrassroots] political skills training!
Date: Thu, 15 Feb 2001 12:16:26 -0500
From: Amy Fisher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Please pass on to your classes and groups.  Thank you!


It's time to build political power and make your voice heard! Learn
how at the 2001 Environmental Justice Summer Training Academy (EJ

Join other community and student organizers who are leading the
charge to make environmental justice a priority in the 2001 elections
and beyond. EJ STA is an intensive 6-day program that trains young
people of color in political skills to protect our communities.
Through skill sessions and campaign simulations you'll learn:

-How to run a winning campaign
-How to impact critical social and public health issues
-How to organize online and in the media

...the tools you need to make a difference in your community and on
your campus!

Rolling Admissions -- APPLY NOW for your best chance to get in!!

Apply online now and learn more about environmental justice at

Time: June 9 - 14, 2001
Location: Catholic U., Washington, D.C.
APPLICATION DEADLINE: Friday, April 13, 2001

It's only $50, due upon acceptance, for 6 days of housing, food, and
amazing trainings.

For more information contact:
Aditi Vaidya, EJ STA Director, at 202.547.8658, or

EJ STA is sponsored by the Center for Environmental Citizenship,
http://www.envirocitizen.org, and the League of Conservation Voters
Education Fund, http://www.voteenvironment.org
Amy Fisher
Northeast Organizer
Center for Environmental Citizenship
59 Temple Place #669
Boston, MA 02111

Tired of politicians ignoring your community?  Learn how to build
political power and make your voice heard at the Environmental
Justice Summer Training Academy.  APPLY NOW at http://www.ejnow.org

Check out what's going on in the Northeast at

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