Stefanie Rixecker
ECOFEM Coordinator

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Date sent:              Wed, 12 Feb 2003 21:07:26 -0600
From:                   Melissa Wiedenfeld <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject:                Lecture: Rosner and Markowitz on the history of 
        Feb. 26
To:                     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Send reply to:          H-NET List for Environmental History 

From: "Chris Warren" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, 11 February, 2003 3:55 PM
Subject: Lecture: Rosner and Markowitz on the history of leadpoisoning,NYAM
Feb. 26

The New York Academy of Medicine Department of Historical Collections
announces a book talk in the history of medicine:

"'Covering the Earth' with Lead": A History of Public Health and Public
Relations in the Creation of a National Tragedy
Gerald Markowitz, Ph.D., John Jay College, CUNY Graduate Center
David Rosner, Ph.D., Columbia University
Wednesday, February 26, 2003, 6:00PM
New York Academy of Medicine
1216 Fifth Ave
For more information call 212.822.7314

According to the Centers for Disease Control, one of every twenty children
in the United States is estimated to suffer from sub-clinical lead
poisoning, and a recent article in Science argues that "paint appears to be
the major source of childhood lead poisoning in the United States." Yet the
history of this tragic situation has only been addressed in any detail
during the past decade or so. This presentation will look at the
intersection of public relations and public health, focusing on the campaign
by industry to present lead paint as a benign, child-friendly substance.

The lecture is drawn from the authors' new book: DECEIT AND DENIAL: The
Deadly Politics of Industrial Pollution (University of California Press/
Milbank Books on Health and the Public, no. 6)

"Deceit and Denial...lays bare the truth about how every one of us in
America is imperiled when powerful corporations forsake their responsibility
to the public health. Rosner and Markowitz have combined the skills of
historical research, investigative journalism, and scientific analysis to
tell a story that should shake an industry and alert a nation."--Bill Moyers
"Deceit and Denial is a real public service in reminding all of us that
fundamental to protecting our air, water, and the health of our communities
and families is the public's right to know."--Carol M. Browner,
Administrator, Environmental Protection Agency, 1933-2001
"The authors are prominent historians of public health and their thesis is
forcefully articulated and massively documented. . . . They are muckrakers,
but extraordinarily well-informed practitioners of that traditional American
art. And they have found a good deal of muck to uncover."-Charles Rosenberg,

For more on this book, see:

To read a recent Newsweek article featuring Rosner and Markowitz, see:

Following the lecture there will be a reception and book signing.
This event is free and open to the public. For more information about NYAM
programs in the history of medicine, write [EMAIL PROTECTED] or call
Christian Warren at 212-822-7314.

The New York Academy of Medicine - Historical Collections Department

Founded in 1847, the New York Academy of Medicine is a non-profit
organization dedicated to enhancing the health of the public through
research, education and advocacy, with a particular focus on disadvantaged
urban populations. Please visit our website: .

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Dr. Stefanie S. Rixecker, Director
Environment, Society and Design Division
Lincoln University, Canterbury
PO Box 84
Aotearoa New Zealand
Ph: 03-325-2811, x8643

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