Holdridge did his PhD dissertation (Univ. of Michigan) in Haiti, "The Pine 
Forest and Adjacent Mountain Vegetation of Haiti, considered from the 
Standpoint of a New climatic Classification of Plant Formations" in 1947. 
According to "Life Zone Ecology" revised edition (Aug. 1967) by L.R. Holdridge 
published by the Tropical Science Center in San Jose, Costa Rica, p. 13, the 
Holdridge model was developed "After several years of forestry work in the 
Caribbean region and a specific vegetation study in a mountain area in 

Holdridge later settled in Costa Rica and, with Joseph Tosi, founded the 
Tropical Science Center (TSC). While based in Costa Rica Holdridge and 
collaborators at TSC refined the classification system while preparing 
vegetaion maps throughout Central and South America. 

Bob Mowbray
Tropical Forest Ecologist

 -------------- Original message from Pedro Anglada : -------------- > 
Holdridge developed his system for Costa Rica. Thus, > the model works best for 
Central America. However, the > Holdridge model have been used to classify 
forest > types in most ecological researches in Puerto Rico, > which has a 
great affinity with the Dominican Republic > in species composition. > > Check 
the publication list of the Institute for > tropical ecosystems studies' 
website from the > LTER: Luq-site. ITES > As well, Common trees of Puerto Rico 
and the West > Indies by F. Wadsworth and E. Little, US department of > 
forestry > > Pedro Anglada > 

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