I'm trying to find this info online but its' not easy... I can't find =

1. Does anyone have stats on an estimation of how many acres of wetlands =
existed prior to European colonization of the US?=20

2. Anyone know the scoop on then-Pres George HW Bush's call for "no net =
loss" of wetlands in 1989?  I have heard it was at the urging of Ducks =
Unlimited. Is this true? Was it just a general proclamation/statement or =
was it tied to actual legislation/rules?

3. And what is the actual legislation that led to the mitigation of =
wetlands - where wetlands destroyed must be mitigated via wetlands =
mitigation banks or constructed wetlands? I read somewhere that Clinton =
backed the idea of mitigation banks, but not sure if he was the first or =
if GHW Bush before him did with his "no net loss" statement.

Was this in the amended 1987 Clean Water Act? I tried to read it online =
but the way EPA has it, every single subsection is a separate webpage =
and its insanely annoying to get through.

       Wendee Holtcamp, M.Sc. ~~ Freelance Writer-Photographer=20
                  ~~ http://www.wendeeholtcamp.com  ~~
        ****New nature writing online class! (Mar 25-Apr 21) Register at
Bohemian Adventures Blog - http://bohemianadventures.blogspot.com=20

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