Malcolm McCallum wrote:
> I vaguely recall an exchange on here regarding the role of hypothesis =
> testing and the statistical validity of this approach.  Any citations or =
> comments would be greatly apprecieated!

There's enough here to keep you going:

This is probably one of the more important papers: it sparked off a big 
discussion amongst pshycologists:
  Cohen, J.  1994.  The earth is round (p<.05). American Psychologist 

My only comment is to observe that nobody should be allowed to use a 
p-values unless they can demonstrate that they fully understand what it 


Bob O'Hara

Dept. of Mathematics and Statistics
P.O. Box 68 (Gustaf H„llstr”min katu 2b)
FIN-00014 University of Helsinki

Telephone: +358-9-191 51479
Mobile: +358 50 599 0540
Fax:  +358-9-191 51400
WWW:  http://www.RNI.Helsinki.FI/~boh/
Journal of Negative Results - EEB:

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