Please post... Ph.D. GRADUATE ASSISTANTSHIP ON TEXAS HORNED LIZARDS: I seek to fill a graduate research assistantship with a student having a M.S. in wildlife science, zoology, biology, or related field to study conservation, ecology, and management of the Texas horned lizard on an urban military installation. Work will include telemetry of horned lizards, sampling of vegetation and ant prey base, habitat modeling, and translocation.
Qualifications: independent but able to work well in a team setting and with agency personnel, great work ethic, GIS experience, minimum of 1100 verbal + quantitative GRE score. Incipient interest in ants would be a plus. Graduate stipend is $1,218/mo with complete tuition waiver and health insurance. Starting date: 1 May 2006. Submit letter of interest, resume, copies of GRE scores and transcripts and names and phone numbers of 3 references to: Dr. Eric C. Hellgren, Cooperative Wildlife Research Laboratory, Mailcode 6504, Department of Zoology, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, IL 62901-6504. 618-453-6941 (phone); 618-453-6944 (fax); E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] E-mail applications are encouraged. Application review will continue until a student is chosen. -- Michael W. Sears, Ph.D. Associate Editor, Herpetologica Assistant Professor Center for Ecology Department of Zoology Southern Illinois University Carbondale, IL 62901 phone: 618-453-4137 web: "Natural selection is a mechanism for generating an exceedingly high degree of improbability" Sir Ronald A. Fisher (1890-1962)