Dear Carl, did you try the IPCC data centre? You should be able to get mean monthly global fields for th 2080's for a couple of models and scenarios. I should like to stress though that these data will NOT be "for the vicinity of Urbana, Illinois" but rather for a much larger spatial unit. I don't quite know what model or run to recommend. I suggest to consult IPCC TAR for the scenarios and model strengths and weaknesses I should like to caution that taking one grid cell from a 2.5 degree resolution GCM run is not a preferred way of downscaling to a point. My recommendation would be at least take you local climatology and apply only the climate change field from the GCM run to your local climatology. If the area of say 250 km around Urbana is reasonably uniform then this might give you a reasonable result for the Tmin and Tmax. Sorry for stating the useless, if this is no news for you. 'hope that has been of some help. Cheers, Joerg
________________________________ From: Ecological Society of America: grants, jobs, news on behalf of Carl Salk Sent: Sun 4/9/2006 17:25 To: ECOLOG-L@LISTSERV.UMD.EDU Subject: Looking for location-specific monthly climate change projections I am looking for projections of average monthly high and low temperatures for the vicinity of Urbana, Illinois around the year 2100. I have been trying to get this from the Hadley Center, but have been frustrated in all my attempts. I would appreciate any suggestions as to how I might find this data.