PhD Fellowship Available

Restoration of white pine and red spruce via alternative 
silvicultural practices in a TRIAD zoning experiment

Position:  PhD project financed for four years, through an 
NSERC-Industry grant, in collaboration with Abitibi-Consolidated, 
Mauricie region, Quebec, Canada. The project is part of a group of 
projects involving the application of a zoning approach to a large 
industrially-managed forest area. As part of this exercise we are 
developing silvicultural strategies adapted to each of the different 
intensities of management. The specific objectives involve the 
evaluation of alternative silvicultural practices for restoration of 
white pine and red spruce, using an ecophysiological approach.

The student will be part of the new Centre d'Etudes sur la Foret 
(CEF), which accommodates 45 Quebec researchers involved in forest 
biology, ecology and wildlife management. The candidate will be based 
at Universite Laval, and will be co-directed by Christian Messier 
(UQAM) and Frederik Doyon (Institut Québecois d'Amenagement de la 
Foret Feuillue). The research centre trains over 300 graduate 
students (M.Sc. and PhD) and postdoctoral scientists at a given time. 
The Universite Laval component is in close proximity to the federal 
forestry research centre (Laurentian Forestry Centre) and the Quebec 
provincial forestry research organization (Complexe Scientifique). 
Universite Laval is a French-language university of over 30,000 
undergraduate students and 5,000 graduate students. The university is 
located in Quebec City, population of 650,000, situated along the 
Saint Lawrence River, and site of the only walled city in North 
America, designated by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site.

Starting date: As soon as possible
Salary: Minimum of $15k per year. There is a possibility to apply for 
an NSERC Industrial Fellowship ($21k per year).

- Bachelors degree in forestry, biology, environmental sciences, agriculture
- Excellent academic record
- Field work experience
- Valid driver's license
- Some base in French is preferable, but not obligatory; interest in 
learning is more
    important! Quebec City is a wonderful place to live and work.
Interested candidates should send: a CV, copy of academic record, 
names and contact information for references, to the following address:

Alison Munson
Dép. Science du bois et de la forêt
Université Laval
Quebec, QC
G1K 7P4
Telephone : (418) 656-7669

Alison Munson
Professeure titulaire en écologie forestière
Centre de recherche en biologie forestière
Faculté de foresterie et de géomatique
Université Laval
Sainte-Foy QC  G1K 7P4
Tel: (418) 656-7669
Fax: (418) 656-3551


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