Hi again ecologgers

I presume that in looking for the "best" model in a
CART you are looking for the lowest residual mean
deviance (besides the biological meaning) ??
or to put it in another perspective, what is the most
sensible procedure to arrive a the most stable
solution without getting into overfitting.

<P>Abraham de Alba Avila</P>
<P>Terrestrial Plant Ecology</P>
<P> Ap. postal 20,</P>
<P> Pabellón Arteaga, 20660</P>
<P> Aguascalientes, MEXICO</P>
<P> Tel: (465) 95-801-67, & 801-86 ext. 118, FAX ext 102
alternate: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
cel: 449-157-7070</P>

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