Two Ph.D. and one MS graduate students are sought to conduct research in 
the areas of forest ecosystem restoration and fire ecology in three 
recently funded projects. We are seeking outstanding candidates with BS or 
MS degrees in Forestry, Biology, Ecology, and Environmental Sciences. The 
students will be offered a full Graduate Research Assistantship (GRA) plus 
a tuition waiver. GRA for Ph.D. students is for 3-4 years, with an annual 
stipend of $18,000 (minimum). GRA for MS students is for 2 years, with an 
annual stipend of $14,400 (minimum). If you are interested, contact: Dr. 
Geoff Wang, Department of Forestry and Natural Resources, 261 Lehotsky 
Hall, Clemson University, Clemson, SC 29634-0317 (Phone: 864-656-4864; 
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]). In your initial contact, please send the 
following information: statement of your research interest, degrees 
earned. GPAs, GRE score, and TOFEL scores (for foreign students).  For 
information about Clemson University and the Silviculture/Ecology Lab, 
visit and

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