A research associate position in natural abundance isotope biogeochemistry is 
available beginning summer 2006 in the School of Marine Science, VIMS, College 
of Wm. & Mary.  The successful individual will assist in the collection and 
preparation of samples for C-14, C-13 and N-15 analyses of dissolved, 
colloidal, particulate, and sedimentary organic and inorganic materials, 
including the operation and maintenance of vacuum extraction lines and graphite 
target preparation for isotope ratio mass spectrometry and accelerator mass 
spectrometry.  Familiarity with other standard analytical techniques (e.g., 
organic and inorganic C, N and P, oxygen, alkalinity, etc.) in fresh and marine 
waters, as well as with organic separation and/or microbial ecological 
techniques, is highly desirable.  The position also requires extensive 
fieldwork using small boats in rivers and estuaries, as well as on ships in 
coastal ocean waters for up to 2-3 weeks at a time.  The successful individual 
deally have an undergraduate degree in chemistry or biology, and/or a master's 
degree in some area of aquatic or marine geochemistry or biogeochemistry.  
Previous experience in isotope geochemistry, as well as prior technical 
experience in a biogeochemistry lab and fieldwork with small boat handling is 
considered an asset.  

This position will be filled for a minimum of 3 years.  Starting pay will be 
$30,000 to 36,000 per year based on the level of experience.  Full health and 
retirement benefits are included.  The position will remain open until filled.

Interested individuals should send a letter of interest and experience, 
curriculum vitae, and names, addresses (including e-mail addresses) and phone 
numbers of 3 references to:

Dr. James Bauer
School of Marine Science
Virginia Institute of Marine Science
College of William and Mary
Route 1208
Gloucester Point, VA  23062-1346
phone: (804) 684-7136
Jim Bauer
School of Marine Science/VIMS
College of William and Mary
Route 1208
Gloucester Point, VA  23062-1346
Phone: (804) 684-7136

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