Hello All. In examining the literature on climatic predictor variables for
predicting the distribution of mountain vegetation species, I have come
across a huge range of variability in the temporal characteristics of these
variables. For example, for mean temperature, I have seen studies use mean
annual, mean July,  mean between April and October, Degree Days, and
countless other permutations. The same holds true for min and max
temperatures and to a lesser extent precipitation. Lets assume that I have
data summarized on the daily time-step. What is the consensus (if there is
one) on the optimal  temporal integration to use for montane and sub-alpine
species? Along the same lines, does anyone know of papers that address this
topic. Thanks a bunch. Solomon

Solomon Dobrowski
Tahoe Environmental Research Center (TERC)
John Muir Institute of the Environment
University of California, Davis
530 754 9354

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