I recommend reading Naeem's 2002 Ecosystem Consequences of  
Biodiversity Loss: the evolutions of a paradigm. Ecology 83(6): 
1537-1552. In it Shahid goes back to the time of the Greeks to  
explore the concept of ecosystems.


On Jul 9, 2006, at 4:05 PM, Warren W. Aney wrote:

> I just ran across this bit of writing from almost 2,000 years ago:
> "All that is born, all that is created,
> all the elements of nature
> are interwoven and united with each other.
> All that is composed shall be decomposed:
> everything returns to its roots:
> matter returns to the origins of matter."
> This is part of the fragmentary Gospel of Mary found in Cairo in  
> 1896 but
> only recently studied and translated (this translation of the  
> Coptic is by
> Jean-Yves Leloup).  Authorities say it was probably written during the
> second century C.E.
> I was amazed that someone thought and wrote along these lines so  
> long ago.
> It succinctly describes what an ecosystem is, using terms  
> suggestive of more
> modern concepts such as biolgical communities, species interactions,
> mutualism, biogeochemical cycling, and decomposition regimes.
> Does anyone know of other ancient writings that come this close to  
> today's
> concepts of how an ecosystem operates? Or is this unique?
> We tend to think that much of this understanding arose only within  
> the last
> 100 years.
> Warren W. Aney
> Senior Wildlife Ecologist
> 9403 SW 74th Ave
> Tigard, OR  97223
> (503)246-8613 (voice)
> (503)246-2605 (fax)

Fabrice De Clerck PhD

Landscale Ecologist/Ecologo de Paisaje
    Dept. Agricultura y Agroforesteria  
    CATIE 7170, Turrialba, Costa Rica
  Phone: (506) 558-2596
  Fax: (506) 558-2046
  Web: www.catie.ac.cr

Adjunct Associate
    Tropical Agriculture Program        
    The Earth Institute at Columbia University
Skype: fadeclerck
"Everything not given is lost"

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