Hi everyone,
   First of all, I wanted to say thanks to those of you who have shown
interest in my Earth Survey so far, I appreciate it!  Also, I wanted to make
it easier for people to take part in the survey.  Rather than needing to
contact me for a copy of the survey, I am including it in this message.
Contact information will not be posted- only your name and
title/organization (if applicable) will be used.  I am most interested in
personal thoughts, and not necessarily looking for official statements.
There is a disclaimer on the site that states that the opinions expressed
are those of the individual respondents, and are not to be taken as official
statements.  Completed surveys can be emailed to me at
[EMAIL PROTECTED] off-list, (to avoid clogging up the lists with
responses) and can also be mailed to:
Earth Survey
c/o Jeremy Taylor
25E Oakbrook Manor
Ravena, NY 12143
Results will continue to be posted at http://earthsurvey.blogspot.com
<http://earthsurvey.blogspot.com/>  as I get them, and I am also planning to
some sort of publication with the results, although this is still in the
initial planning right now, and I am not sure what format the publication
will take or what venue I will use for distributing it.  As always, comments
and suggestions are welcome, and I hope that many of you will consider
filling out the survey and sending it back to me.  The survey appears below
for your convenience.  
-----------------START OF SURVEY-------------------
Email address*: 
Today's Date: 
1. What interaction with an animal and/or nature in your life has had the
biggest impact on you? 
2. Did you have a favorite place in the great outdoors during your
3. As a former zookeeper, I would love to know what your favorite animal is,
and why?  
4. What do you think is the greatest environmental challenge facing us now,
and what do you think will be the greatest challenge in the future? 
5. If you could give everyone one piece of advice regarding the environment
and our natural resources, what would it be? 
-----------------END OF SURVEY--------------------
*Contact information will not be posted, only your name and
title/organization will be used.

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