I apologize posting this message a second time.  I received several 
replies from folks that the link to this report was problematic.  We 
have since fixed the link, so the report is available for download if 
you are interested.  Thanks.


A new multi-agency report, "Harmful Algal Research and Response: A Human
Dimensions Strategy," provides a detailed implementation plan for human
dimensions research necessary to reduce the public health,
sociocultural, and economic impacts of harmful algal blooms.  The report
is an important first effort to stimulate and guide routine integration
of public health, sociocultural, and economic researchers into national
efforts to implement the PresidentÂ’s U.S. Ocean Action Plan, the Harmful
Algal Bloom and Hypoxia Amendments Act of 2004 (HABHRCA), and the
National Plan for Algal Toxins and Harmful Algal Blooms (HARRNESS).
Beyond HABs, the report serves as a framework for developing human
dimensions research as a cross-cutting priority of ecosystem science
supporting coastal and ocean resource management.  It substantially
informs priorities of the Joint Subcommittee on Ocean Science and
Technology (JSOST) and Subcommittee on Integrated Management of Ocean
Resources (SIMOR).

The research strategy can be accessed electronically at:

For more information, please contact: Marybeth Bauer, Human Dimensions
Research Coordinator, NOAA National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science,

Contributors include:
Dan Ayres, Washington State Department of Fish and Wildlife
Lorraine Backer, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Marybeth Bauer, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Ben Blount, University of Texas at San Antonio
Daniel M. Cartledge, Yuxi Teachers College (Yunnan, China)
Mary Culver, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Guillermo Herrera, Bowdoin College
Porter Hoagland, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Barb Kirkpatrick, Mote Marine Laboratory
Linda L. Lampl, Lampl Herbert Consultants
Tom Leschine, University of Washington
Susan Lovelace, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
George Luber, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Caroline Pomeroy, California Sea Grant Extension Program
Cliff Scherer, Cornell University
Kevin Sellner, Chesapeake Research Consortium
Marc Suddleson, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Pat Tester, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Bill Wood, Central Washington University

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Marybeth Bauer, Ph.D.
Human Dimensions Research Coordinator
NOAA National Ocean Service
National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science
Phone: (301) 713-3020 ext. 108
NCCOS Website: http://www.nccos.noaa.gov/
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