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Invitation to Contribute to the Encyclopedia of Earth:

I write to inform you about the creation of the Encyclopedia of Earth =
( - a comprehensive, environmental encyclopedia intended =
for a general audience.  The Encyclopedia is being created, maintained, =
and governed by expert contributors via a specially adapted "wiki." A =
wiki is an online resource that allows users to add and edit content =
collectively. Unlike other wikis, access to the Encyclopedia wiki is =
restricted to approved experts. All content is reviewed and approved =
prior to being published at the free public site.

The preliminary public Encyclopedia of Earth has just been launched with =
the help of approximately 200 authors and 80 editors. I invite you to =
inspect it and gain an appreciation of its potential.

I also invite you to apply to become a contributor to the Encyclopedia =
of Earth. The qualifications are simple. First, you are a recognized =
expert in a subject area of the Encyclopedia. This means you are a =
scholar, educator, professional, or other expert from the natural, =
physical, and social sciences, the arts and humanities, the professional =
disciplines, the public or private sectors, or the nongovernmental =
organizations whose work focuses on some aspect of the environment. =
Second, you are willing to work in a very dynamic, highly collaborative =
authoring and editorial environment. Third, you embrace the =
Encyclopedia's commitment to fariness, objectivity, and quality.=20

There are several roles you can play. Authors contribute content by =
contributing articles and/or expanding existing articles in their areas =
of expertise. Topic Editors oversee specific subject areas in the =
Encyclopedia, often as part of large group of editors on a subject. They =
approve, recommend for revision, or decline articles for publication, =
and help set overall content and governance policies. Topic Editors are =
also encouraged to contribute articles in their areas of expertise. =
Workloads are commensurate with an individual's time constraints.=20

There are also roles for non-environmental experts in many areas. We =
need volunteers with skills in copy-editing, design work, or image =

Why allocate your scarce time to this initiative? There are many =
potential rewards:=20
 1.Your work will reach a wider and more diverse audience than with =
traditional print publications.=20
 2.Your work remains up-to-date.=20
 3.Your work will enhance your scholarly and professional development.=20
 4.You will be part of a publishing model that is rapidly changing the =
world of scholarly publication.=20
 5.Your professional networks will be enhanced.=20

If you are interested in becoming either an Author or a Topic Editor =
please send an email to the Environmental Information Coalition (EIC) =
([EMAIL PROTECTED]) with the following information:=20
 .Your name=20
 .Institution you are affiliated with=20
 .Whether you're interested in becoming a topic editor or author=20
 .If you're interested in being a topic editor, state which topics you =
would like to be responsible for
 .CV or resume attached=20

The Encyclopedia of Earth is the first element of the Earth Portal - an =
initiative to create a free, web-based environmental information =
resource that combines the trustworthiness and authority of scientific =
review and governance with the power of web-based collaboration. The =
Earth Portal will be a direct conduit of objective information from =
scientists and educators to decision makers and society at large.

Peter Saundry,=20
Executive Director
National Council for Science and the Environment
Secretariat to the Environmental Information Coalition

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