Although he was terribly 'uncool' from the perspective of wildlife =
ecologists, I do think that Steve Irwin did more towards disseminating =
curiousity about the natural world and love of nature than the whole lot =
of them put together. Even when I go to do fieldwork in Malaysia, every =
ordinary person has heard of him, and kids know about the animals he =
talked of, plus the need to respect nature and be cautious of it. His =
message has spread around the world, educating and changing minds where =
it is especially important. And they can see the difference between the =
stunts he was doing and what makes sense in real life: people are really =
not as dumb as some our academic colleagues think they are. =20

Yes, he bent the rules and sometimes it was kind of excruciating to =
watch. But he gave people a chance to learn. 

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