Hi---I'm looking for recommendations on good articles to engage and
help inform students about protists, (or potentially endosymbiont  
  whether primarily ecological, evolutionary, or systematic in nature.

It might be either a good case study of a specific group of protists
in a primary or secondary journal/book chapter, or a more general
review type article suitable for discussion in small groups or with the
whole class.

I mostly want to feature protists in a discussion that makes this  
group come alive,
more so that just mentioning the polyphyletic nature of this mixed  
group of fascinating organisms

I've read some classic articles, but this isn't my area of
expertise.. and it would be nice to  hear what other folks use..
particularly recent articles, or something more classic that you've
found successful with motivated undergrad bio majors.

THe Class is an intro majors course (mostly Fr and So level: Ecology,  
Evolution, & Diversity)

Thanks in advance for any suggestions.. I can send around a summary
if folks respond

IF YOU"RE INTERESTED:  By the way.. a great summary article  in  
Science of some
evolutionary case studies that works with discussions of Nat sel or  
radiation etc  if folks are interested is a paper in Science..
written by science writer Jonathan Weiner entitled

Evolution Made Visible... Vol 267:30-33. (though a few years old, it  
still works well ...
and students enjoy it much. If you haven't read the article, it's  
definitely worth skimming.
I often bring in some more recent articles on the organisms talked  
about or
encourage students students to search forward for articles that cite  


Susan Kephart
Willlamette University
503 370-6481

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