A M.S. student is sought to join a collaborative effort to study the 
impacts of predation from multiple, distinct predators on the population 
dynamics and social structure of the lemur community in Ranomafana 
National Park, Madagascar.  Results from this project will not only 
provide insight into the influence of predation by raptors and fossa on 
lemur social organization and demography, but also experimentally test for 
the presence of non-additive multiple predator effects in several lemur 
species across a continuum of forest types, from degraded to pristine rain 

Duties:  Complete study design in consultation with major professor 
(Karpanty), collect behavioral and ecological data to test hypotheses and 
fit models, collaborate with 2 Malagasy M.S. students from the University 
of Antananarivo, supervise 2 local Malagasy research technicians, 
coordinate with local residents in Madagascar and an international team of 
researchers at the project site, write reports and publish research 
results in refereed journal with advisor.  Fieldwork involves long days 
and nights under strenuous, isolated conditions.  This is an excellent 
project for someone wishing to make a research contribution to basic 
science and, simultaneously, to the conservation of several critically 
endangered and threatened species.    

Qualifications:  B.S. in Wildlife Science, Conservation Biology, Zoology, 
or closely allied field, with excellent grades, test scores, and 
references.  Previous field experience in remote conditions required.  
Coursework in statistics, ecology, and evolutionary biology.  Demonstrated 
writing skills and commitment to scientific publication.  French or 
Malagasy speaking skills are desired, and if absent, applicant will be 
required to enroll in French studies.  Ability to interact with diverse 
stakeholders and solve problems independently.  Most successful applicants 
to our program have a GPA > 3.5 and GRE scores > 1200. 

Start date: Negotiable as January or August 2007.  Applications accepted 
until position is filled.

To Apply:  Email C.V., GRE scores (or expected date of completion), names 
and contact information for 3 references, and a 1 page letter of 
application.  Arrange for formal transcripts to be mailed to the address 
below.  A formal application to the graduate school at VT must be made 
before acceptance.   Send information and questions to:  Sarah Karpanty, 
Department of Fisheries and Wildlife Sciences, 150 Cheatham Hall, 
Blacksburg, VA 24061-0321. Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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