Oberlin College, Environmental Studies Program seeks full-time, 
one-semester faculty replacement beginning January 2007. Incumbent will 
teach one introductory course, /Environment and Society/, and at least 
one upper-level course. */Environment and Society/ provides majors and 
non-majors with a broad introduction to the status of the environment, 
causes of environmental dilemmas, and the economic, social, political 
and technical suite of options available for solving environmental 
problems. Upper-level course(s) in incumbent’s area of specialization, 
preferably in social sciences, humanities or interdisciplinary areas 
incorporating aspects of natural science, social science and humanities. *

* *

Requirements: Ph.D. or substantial progress towards Ph.D.; demonstrated 
interest and potential excellence in undergraduate teaching. Successful 
teaching experience at college level desirable.

Send letter of application, /curriculum vitae/, undergraduate and 
graduate academic transcripts, and at least three letters of reference 
to: John Petersen, Director, Environmental Studies Program, A.J. Lewis 
Center, 122 Elm Street, Oberlin College, Oberlin, Ohio, 44074, by 
11/14/06. Fax (440)775-8946. Application materials received after that 
may be accepted until position is filled. Salary commensurate with 
qualifications and experience. AA/EOE

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