My wife and I had our son while I was writing my dissertation; i
finished the dissertation while he was in a sling around my neck
My post-doc advisor was very supportive and as long as I got my work
done, she didn't care about him hanging around my office.
My post-post-doc tenure-track job is also kid friendly, he is welcome
here most any time.  four faculty have been hired after i was, two have
had kids after they were hired and one will have her's soon.  in no
cases has this slowed down their progress towards tenure.  before my
time, one of the older faculty had her second child a year after being
hired.  there were lots of medical issues and she had to arrange for all
sorts of special coverage, but it worked out and she got tenure later on
and she's highly productive.
so our department is clear evidence that parenting young children and
making tenure is perfectly possible, at least in some cases.
Dr. Russell Burke
Department of Biology
114 Hofstra University
Hempstead, NY 11549
voice: (516) 463-5521
fax: 516-463-5112

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