TOPIC: PhD  Assistantship available to study the conservation biology of 
mountain caribou and wolf-caribou dynamics in west-central Alberta and 
east-central British Columbia. 

DUTY: The candidate will satellite-collar and monitor approximately 50 
wolves and 50 caribou. The candidate will also collect primary prey 
population data through aerial and ground surveys, assemble remotely 
sensed habitat data, and work closely with provincial, federal, industry 
and academic stakeholders to contribute to caribou population recovery in 
a region experiencing rapid industrial development. 

$$: PhD Assistantship and project funding is provided by the University of 
Calgary, University of Montana, and a consortium of industry partners 
including the Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers, Weyerhaeuser 
Ltd., Parks Canada, and Shell Canada. PhD stipend provided at ~24,000/year 
+ benefits.

BACKGROUND: Mountain caribou are classified as threatened by the committee 
for the status of endangered wildlife in Canada (COSEWIC) and the species 
at risk act (SARA). Key factors leading to species endangerment include 
human-induced changes in predator-prey dynamics through forestry and oil 
and gas exploration.

SCOPE AND STUDY AREA: The successful candidate will be part of an 
integrated research project examining anthropogenic changes to predator-
prey dynamics over the entire range of mountain caribou in Alberta and 
adjacent areas of British Columbia from Banff National Park to Kakwa 
Provincial Park, B.C.

QUALIFICATIONS:  B.Sc. in wildlife biology, ecology, conservation biology, 
or related field; outstanding work ethic; exceptional quantitative skills; 
and interpersonal skills. Other assets might be field experience with 
predators and/or ungulates, experience with GIS analyses, remote sensing, 
GPS and VHF collar data, and scientific writing.

TO APPLY: Send 1-page cover letter summarizing interest and relevant 
experience, resume/CV, unofficial transcripts, and contact information 
(including phone and email) for 3 references to Dr. Marco Musiani. 
Material should be included in one email with subject: PHD IN CARIBOU/WOLF

APPLICATION PROCESS: PhD Position will start Fall 2007 with field work 
commencing as soon as May 2007. Candidates will be contacted by Dec 31th, 
2006, and directed to apply for admission to the UofC graduate school. 

To learn more:

Marco Musiani, PhD
Assistant Professor
Faculty of Environmental Design, University of Calgary
2500 University Dr NW, Calgary, Alberta, T2N 1N4 Canada
Office 3171, Ph. (403) 220-2604, Lab 220-2475, Fax 284-4399
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