In fact, there was an article on this topic in a recent iss=

Hi there,=0A =0AIn fact, there was an article on this topic in a recent iss=
ue of Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment (Weltzin et al 2006 8(4): 43=
5-441). You may wanna check that out, Karim.=0A=0AMichael=0A=0A=0A----- Ori=
ginal Message ----=0AFrom: "Ruhland, Christopher T" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
SU.EDU>=0ATo: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: Wednesday, 22 November, 200=
6 3:39:43 PM=0ASubject: Re: Autorship Order: ABC or ACB?=0A=0A=0AJust my $0=
.02: =0A=0AI really think it differs based upon the discipline.  A colleagu=
e of=0Amine recently received some comments on his annual review (college=
=0Alevel) regarding the number of publications where he appeared as the=0Al=
ast author.  When he responded that the second most important/senior=0Aauth=
or usually appears last, it was met with "isn't that what 'the=0Asecond' au=
thor is for?"   =0A=0AC-=0A   =0A=0AChristopher T. Ruhland, Ph.D.=0A=0AAsso=
ciate Professor of Biology=0ATS-242 Trafton Sciences Center South =0ADepart=
ment of Biological Sciences  =0AMinnesota State University =0AMankato, MN 5=
6001 =0AUSA=0A=0A=0A=0A=0A-----Original Message-----=0AFrom: Ecological Soc=
iety of America: grants, jobs, news=0A[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On=
 Behalf Of Fabrice De Clerck=0ASent: Wednesday, November 22, 2006 10:35 AM=
=0ATo: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: Re: Autorship Order: ABC or ACB=
?=0A=0AHello Karim,=0A=0AIn many fields the last author is recognized as th=
e senior author  =0A(the major professor for example) Not necessarily the p=
erson that did  =0Athe most work, but the person who has the most experienc=
e and oversaw  =0Athe production of the manuscript. This works well when th=
e last  =0Aauthor will be recognized by the readers as a senior researcher.=
 I've  =0Abeen told by senior researchers that when submitting your CV, peo=
ple  =0Alike to see your name on publications shift from the first author i=
n  =0Ayour earliest papers, to increasing numbers of papers where you are  =
=0Athe last, or senior author.=0A=0ACHeers,=0AFabrice=0A=0A=0A=0A=0AOn Nov =
22, 2006, at 9:28 AM, Karim Ledesma wrote:=0A=0A> Hello All,=0A>=0A> I have=
 a question about the autorship order.=0A>=0A> I have heard and read somewh=
ere that researchers seem=0A> to know that in a 3 author paper, the respons=
ability=0A> of the second author on the paper is lower than the=0A> third a=
uthor.=0A>=0A> How well known and accepted is this idea of autorship=0A> or=
der?=0A>=0A> If the participation of multiple authors on a paper is=0A> cle=
ar and each participated as A=3D80%, B=3D40% and C=3D10%.=0A> And A and B a=
re still graduate students and C is a=0A> local person of the study area.=
=0A> How should the order of the authors be? ACB or ABC?=0A>=0A> Thanks for=
 your ideas,=0A>=0A> Karim=0A>=0A>=0A>=0A>=0A> ____________________________=
__________________________________________=0A=0A> ______________=0A> Sponso=
red Link=0A>=0A> Online degrees - find the right program to advance your ca=
********=0AFabrice De Clerck PhD=0A=0ALandscape Ecologist/Ecologo de Paisaj=
e=0A    Dept. Agricultura y Agroforesteria    =0A    CATIE 7170, Turrialba,=
 Costa Rica=0A  Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Phone: (506) 558-2596=0A  =
Fax: (506) 558-2046=0A  Web: Associate=0A    T=
ropical Agriculture Program    =0A    The Earth Institute at Columbia Unive=
rsity=0AEmail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: fadeclerck=0AWeb:www.earthinsti=**************************************************=
*****=0A"Everything not given is lost"=0A=0ASend instant messages to your o=
nline friends 

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