For a summary and the results of Jon Krosnick's study, see

Carol Boggs

At 08:51 AM 11/30/2006, Felix Martinez wrote:
>I left out the punch line deliberately more because I am afraid that I
>will misrepresent the results of Dr. Krosnick's study.  But a the
>request of some here is an attempt to summarize.
>The public is aware of and understands climate change and global
>warming.  They are also concerned about its implications.  However, they
>are also concerned about things that are of immediacy to their lives,
>such as having a job, being safe from crime, having access to health
>care, etc.  These issues take precedence over climate change not only
>because they are of immediate importance, but because they also have
>concrete solutions that the public understands, perceives can be readily
>implemented and do not necessarily have a dramatic impact on current
>lifestyles.  The public also sees climate change as an issue that is for
>government to address, not itself personally.  Similar to the lack of
>interest in voting for the reason that a single vote will not making a
>Another interesting tidbit was public perception of scientists.  People
>believe that we do know what we are talking about, but they also believe
>that we are human just as they and can make mistakes in judgment, data
>uncertainty issues aside.
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>Felix A. Martinez, Ph.D.
>Center for Sponsored Coastal Ocean Research
>N/SCI2, SSMC4 Rm. 8326    ph: 301-713-3338 x153
>1305 East-West Hwy.       fax: 301-713-4044
>Silver Spring, MD 20910   email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Note: The content of this message does not reflect any position of 
>the U.S. Government or of NOAA unless otherwise specified.  The 
>information therein is only for the use of the individuals or 
>entities for which it was intended even if addressed 
>incorrectly.  If not the intended recipient, you may not use, copy, 
>disseminate, or distribute the message or its content unless 
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