RESEARCH TECHNICIANS (1 to 3) needed from May 29 to Aug 22, 2007 for 
songbird study in Jackson, WY.  The Conservation Research Center of the 
Teton Science Schools promotes natural resource stewardship through 
research and education ( We use Monitoring Avian 
Productivity and Survivorship (MAPS) methodologies to generate vital rates 
of local passerines.  Project objectives include:  1) identification of 
population trends associated with residential development; 2) examine 
aspen obligate species population trends; and 3) initiate citizen science 
projects examining habitat use, home range, nesting success, post-fledging 
mortality, and post-fledging dispersal.  Duties include:  operating 6 MAPS 
stations in and around Grand Teton National Park; extensive environmental 
education and banding demonstrations; point counts and re-sighting of 
color-banded individuals; working with student and citizen science 
volunteers to conduct transects; data entry; data verification; and radio 
telemetry.  Research as education is an important component of this 
position and requires that banding teams simultaneously collect accurate 
data and teach.   Research technicians are rarely alone during mist 
netting and sometimes educate up to two groups (~20 students of all ages 
and/or adults) in a day.  Applicants must be in good physical condition, 
have an excellent work ethic, be able to work long hours, be enthusiastic 
about living and working in a dynamic community-based environment, and be 
passionate about research and education. Preference will be given to 
applicants with strong mist netting experience and the ability to teach.  
Salary dependent on qualifications, housing and meals provided.  Please 
send a cover letter, resume/ CV, and contact info for three (3) references 
to:  Chase Mendenhall by email (EM:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]). 
Applications will be accepted until positions are filled.

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