We seek individuals that investigate coupled biological-physical processes 
in natural or human-influenced systems and who can link their research in 
ecosystem ecology to our existing strengths in physiological, population 
and community ecology. The successful candidate will use modern analytical 
techniques in combination with field approaches to investigate the 
functioning of ecosystems, the responses of ecosystems to changing 
environments and climate change, ecosystem consequences of biodiversity, 
and biogeochemical cycling. Contact Dr. Denis Lynn, email [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Candidates must have a PhD, preferably with postdoctoral experience, a 
strong record of publications in peer-reviewed journals, and ideally some 
experience in undergraduate/graduate teaching. Applicants should submit 
three copies of their curriculum vitae, including the names of three 
referees, and a letter of application to the Dean's Office, College of 
Biological Science University of Guelph Guelph, ON, Canada N1G 2W1. 

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