The Rocky Mountain Biological Laboratory offers summer experiences 
designed to help students learn more about ecology, evolution, and 
behavior in the Colorado Rocky Mountains.  Classes are designed to get 
students into the field and work with top scientists from around the 
world.  In 2007 the RMBL will offer Field Ecology, Conservation Biology, 
Physiology of Animal Behavior, Field Mammalogy, Ecology and Conservation 
of Freshwater Invertebrates, and Field Botany.  Additionally, students 
may take an independent research option and conduct a project with the 
guidance of a scientist.  Substantial financial aid is available.  The 
RMBL also has four fellowships through the RMBL Undergraduate Research 
Fellowship Program that are designed to help students considering a 
career in field biology.  Students take Field Ecology (or an equivalent 
class) and design and conduct a research project under the guidance of a 
senior scientist.  The RMBL covers the cost of tuition, room, board, and 
transportation for the Fellows.  The submission deadline for coursework 
applications is April 1^st . Positions through the RMBL's Research 
Experience for Undergraduates Program are also available (deadline Feb 
15^th ).  For more information, visit 
<> (Higher Education). Contact Mel Dean 
([EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>) with any questions.

Mel Dean, Operations Manager
Rocky Mountain Biological Laboratory
P.O. Box 519
Crested Butte, CO 81224
970-349-7231 ph/fax

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