Does anybody know of a "Mollusca List", where I could send my query 
to? ("Conch-L "seems to be out of function).....



Dear colleagues,

Being a primarily small-mammal ecologist, ethologist, involved in 
conservational issues, but ignorant of toxicology, I would like to 
ask the Ecolog-L list for help on the following issue:

As I have learned, several molluscicides (in form of "slug pellets") 
are on the market and /or in developement. Methaldehyde or Methiocarb 
seem to be common compounds. This "slug-poison" (as from the few 
literature references I have gathered), is also toxic to small 
mammals (rodents such as Apodemus sp., shrews, hedgehoges and 
possibly moles). The slug-pellets will either be ingested by the 
mammal predator directly or just by consuming the slug where the 
poison adheres to the mucuos. Secondary poisoning?

I would be most grateful for any references, experiences, links, 
contacts, or literature /references ...

Don't want to bother the list with slugs, so please, if your mail is 
not for discussion, send files directly and off-list to 

Thank you very much in advance!!!


Dr. Werner Haberl
Former Chair Insectivore SG,  SSC, IUCN

Hamburgerstrasse 11/17
A-1050 Vienna, Austria

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