My company is looking to purchase an ATV or similar piece of equipment
(gator) for field work and I could use feedback from others on the list
about the two questions below. Specifically, I am interested in the
process of getting the ATV insured for off-road use and what that
process might entail to address issues raised by our current insurance
carrier. =20
1.  What use/designation was your ATV called for insurance purposes
(e.g. marine vehicle, on road versus off road use)?  Were user training
courses required for coverage? If so, which one(s)?
2.  What companies or models have you had good luck with?  We are
looking for something to carry at least one person plus a fair amount of
field gear in settings from hilly terrain to marsh levees and roads in
mud. =20
Kimberly Suedkamp Wells, Ph.D.
Project Manager and Senior Wildlife Ecologist
H. T. Harvey & Associates=20
3150 Almaden Expressway, Suite #145
San Jose, CA 95118
Phone (408) 448 9450 x205=20
Fax (408) 448 9454

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