Projects  Abroad, a global leader in volunteer placements, is currently =
accepting  applications for conservation volunteers.   Applicants need o=
nly a willingness to try new things, a sense of  adventure, and a desire=
 to gain unique work experience.  These programs cost from around $1695,=
 and these costs include all food, accommodation, comprehensive travel a=
nd medical  insurance, and support from our staff at home and abroad.=20

Applicants  will not be paid for their work, but they will gain unusual =
work experience and  discover skills they never knew they had. Projects =
Abroad=E2=80=99s partner  organizations can barely afford to pay their o=
wn staff, so these positions have  to be not only voluntary but self-fun=
ded as well.  Currently, conservation projects are  available in the fol=
lowing countries:

Work on the  island of Isla   Navarino, one of the most southerly places=
 on the planet to  assist with bird and plant conservation work or help =
create a trail connecting Chile's  stunning National Parks, from the ver=
y south to the north of the country.

Costa Rica
This is a  fantastic opportunity for you to learn about marine life and =
get hands-on  experience protecting endangered species.

India   (Eco-development project)
Learn all  about sustainable development and organic practices. Then use=
 this knowledge to  grow important trees and medicinal plants and promot=
e environmental  conservation in and around South Indian villages and sc=

Mexico (Coastal Conservation.Turtles,  Crocodiles and Lagoon Wildlife Pr=
Experience  the magic of a turtle laying her eggs at night. Protect enda=
ngered sea turtles  and work on research into endangered species of croc=
odiles and the local lagoon  wildlife while living on our stunning beach=
 on the Pacific Coast of Mexico.

Mozambique (Dolphin Conservation Project)
Join a  pioneering Dolphin research project based on the tropical coast =
of Mozambique in Southern   Africa. Assist with research into this fasci=
nating creature by  carrying out boat surveys, beach walks and research =

Peru (Rainforest Conservation)
Live and  work in the heart of the Amazon Rainforest at the Taricaya Res=
earch   Center. Help us maintain  our recognized reserved zone, La Reser=
va  Ecologica Taricaya, with observations from the highest canopy walk i=
n the Americas while  surrounded by monkeys, macaws, butterflies and man=
y other incredible species.  Other current projects include wild animal =
 rehabilitation and release, pilot farms, and Side-Necked Turtle conserv=

Romania (Mountain Conservation)
The  pine-clad mountains surrounding the city of Brasov  in Transylvania=
 are home to many interesting species of plants and animals  including w=
ild carnations and Europe 's only  big cat, the elusive lynx. Conserve d=
eer populations and rare plants in these  beautiful mountains.

Sri Lanka (Turtle Conservation)
Based on a  beach within Bundala   National Park in the far South  of Sr=
i Lanka, help conserve sea turtles by patrolling the beaches and putting=
  protective covers over the nests. More volunteers are needed to help w=
ith  patrols and promote conservation awareness in the area.

South Africa & Swaziland (Trans-Frontier Conservation  Project)
Come and  help conserve local wildlife, mountain ecosystems and African =
cultures. With  opportunities to help hyenas, aardwolves, vultures, and =
many other species, as  well as local communities, you could find yourse=
lf in the stunning settings of Swaziland , South   Africa and Mozambique=

Thailand (Diving and Marine Conservation)
Qualify for  your Open Water and Advanced certificates with us in the wa=
rm waters of the  Andaman sea. Participate in the re-establishment of th=
e mangrove swamps, as  well as our marine life and coral reef research i=
n some of the most beautiful  parts of SE Asia!

We look  forward to hearing from you!   =20

Jacob Lowe
Program Advisor

Projects Abroad North America

Toll free USA: 1 888 839 3535
Toll Free Canada: 1 877 921 9666

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