M.S. or Ph.D. GRADUATE RESEARCH POSITION on BRANT physiology. A graduate
assistantship will be available at the UNIVERSITY OF DELAWARE'S Department
of Entomology and Wildlife Ecology to determine Atlantic Brant winter
ecology including food resources, habitat use, and time energy budgets
across the East Coast. Research responsibilities will include working for 6
winter months along the coast of New Jersey to collect 1) brant foods, 2)
behavioral data, and 3) hunter killed carcass analysis. Graduate student
will also coordinate 7 additional Atlantic states conducting the same
information. The possibility exists the graduate student may spend some time
during summer at the University of Rhode Island conducting lab analysis of
samples.  The successful applicant should have some experience with animal
nutrition and physiology methodology but also interest in working in the
field under harsh weather and field conditions. Approximate start date is
June 1, 2007 but is negotiable.  Stipend will be $17,300+ per year plus a
tuition-waiver and reduced cost health benefits. More information about my
research and information for prospective students are available at:
http://copland.udel.edu/~ckwillia. For more information about the
Department, visit the website http://ag.udel.edu/enwc/. Interested
individuals should send a cover letter outlining experience and research
interests, curriculum vitae, unofficial copies of university transcripts and
GRE scores, and contact information for three references to DR. CHRIS
WILLIAMS, Department of Entomology and Wildlife Ecology, 253 Townsend Hall,
University of Delaware, Newark, DE 19716 (PH: 302-831-4592, FAX:
302-831-8889, Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]). Applications by e-mail (with
electronic copies of requested documents) are preferred, and will be
accepted until March 26, 2007. Qualified applicants should have a B.S. in
Zoology or Wildlife Ecology, an interest and background in nutrition and
physiology, a minimum 3.1/4.0 GPA, and a minimum combined math/verbal GRE
score of 1100. I will give strong preference to applicants who have record
of previous research or field experience.
Dr. Christopher K. Williams
Department of Entomology and Wildlife Ecology
University of Delaware
253 Townsend Hall
Newark, DE 19716
Home Page: http://copland.udel.edu/~ckwillia

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